Cobra Commander!!!!!

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Occasionally they do ask for your address, but more often they don't when I call in to cancel orders.

Yeah I kind of figured it's who u get sometimes on other line, just like ppl asking for your driver license whenever ur debit/credit card is not signed, it can go both ways...
OH CRAP! The Mike, I am ordering two. I know, I mocked you for the idea of buying two. But I just figured a great custom idea. Purchase one exclusive and one regular. I have a guy in my city who can order the reg in which would allow me to save some money on taxes, shipping, and custom fees. Basically a locked in price of 100 smackers!!! Need the ex for obvious reasons (the staff). I could use the staff for the reg that will be made into a custom jobby. Have Andy or one of our other master sculptors on the forums commission the chrome dome head, complete with helmet. Get a black cape made with the Cobra insignias for the collar, and have that Cobra Commander hold the staff that comes with the ex! Also, take off the jacket and he will need yellow rope on his shoulder. :rock The Bradstreet Cobra Commander could don his slick black leather jacket and hold the MP-7. :rock

Edited: Oh crap, I just remembered chrome dome needs have his boots replaced with a pair of black shoes. I can't remember, but did he have long gloves that went to his elbows?
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Ooops hotkey, lol. Guess I was subconiously calming the conversation down... :whip

I am calm you jerk!!!

Kidding! Glad you got your order in. btw This will be the only item I order from SideShow's 2008 SDCC offerings. Got too many things on order, and I just haven't been blown away with this year's offerings compared to previous years.

Having said that, I am still on the fence for the Darkness LSB. That piece looks phenomenal and would look great as a companion piece to my Darkness PF.
The site has gone crazy. After I click the "confirm order" button, everything just went blank. No email confirmation so far so I am not sure if my order for the Exclusive went through or not. I tried logging in again but the page can't load.

If this problem happens for Cobra Commander, the whole site is gonna crash nex week when they have 2 PPOs going on one after another for Vader and the Stormie.
The site has gone crazy. After I click the "confirm order" button, everything just went blank. No email confirmation so far so I am not sure if my order for the Exclusive went through or not. I tried logging in again but the page can't load.

If this problem happens for Cobra Commander, the whole site is gonna crash nex week when they have 2 PPOs going on one after another for Vader and the Stormie.

Double check your managed orders once you get logged back in, thats what I would do just to make sure ur order went through... Never know on these types of connection errors, sometimes the page actually sends the request to the host before timing out... Good luck!

So if Cobra Commander ends up being a $100 figure, it really begs the question as to who will ever be $79.99. The original 1982-83 CC came with one little pistol, that's it, but for SS he's loaded with three guns, a knife, cane, multiple hands, etc.

I wonder if the only $79.99 figures will be the ladies who are still resigned to the Buck. I'm not complaining about CC's price, I have no problem with, I just assumed he'd be on the low end of the scale.
What do you mean if?? He is $100, plus shipping and tax for me. So about $120-125 for me here in NorCal. But yes, definitely worth it.

And when did they mention that there would be G.I. Joes for $79.99?? I don't remeber that anywhere??
Well where's Timber with Snake Eyes, LMAO!:monkey1

Maybe he'll come out later, $40 more Timber, whose all in! (There should be a black version and a white version)
And when did they mention that there would be G.I. Joes for $79.99?? I don't remeber that anywhere??

It was one of SS's first announcements about the line, possibly in a Production Blog shortly after the Super Bowl ad.

I just noticed that CC is scheduled to ship 2nd Quarter 2009. That could be almost a full year away. :monkey2

One a quarter is going to be brutal. I hope that means we're getting Duke next. Which will probably leave a Cobra Trooper for Q4 2009. We might not have Firefly, Storm Shadow, Zartan, Beach Head, and so on in hand until 2010 or later. :horror
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