Cobra Commander!!!!!

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I really like how shadows look on his mask and eyes in natural light.

Now that's some awesome prototype paint. I wonder what the odds are of getting eyebrows that look that good in production...
It shouldn't be too much of an issue. You see very little of either of them and SS is stepping up their game.
I really hope that if that art isn't on the cover of the box, that its at least on the inside flap or something. That it waaaay to badass to just be used for conventions... honestly I'd be down for buying some high quality prints if they were available :rock
Yeah at first I was thinkng they could have included the art as exclusive prints to display behind the characters (a la the AH! statues) but then realized they're much bigger than the boxes will allow. They *must* be available in some form, they're just too cool not to have. I like your idea of possibly making them availabe as separate purchases so they could stay the same size.

I can't believe a lot of you guys got to see these figures in person! They rest of us have to wait sooooo long....
I've got the Exc. on pre-order but I'm trying to move away from Exclusives and simply get the regular versions from my Canadian retailer to save $$$... How essential do you think the sword in the cane is?... It looks cool but I'm wavering on whether I should keep it or not...
This figure made the con for me. I love it more than the Zombies, more than the Comiquettes, more than the HT imports. The buck stops with CC.
I've got the Exc. on pre-order but I'm trying to move away from Exclusives and simply get the regular versions from my Canadian retailer to save $$$... How essential do you think the sword in the cane is?... It looks cool but I'm wavering on whether I should keep it or not...

When you see members pics with the cane, you are gonna wish you kept it.
All signs point to pimp cane!!!

Anyway, I always think of CC holding a Cane over his head as he's leading the charge :rock And its got a frickin' hidden sword in the thing... that way as he's pimpin' if anyone gives him lip, he can cut 'em up :rock