Collection Stash: A Collection Cataloging and Collectible Archiving Platform

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Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

Yes buffy you are awesome..:hi5: :1-1: and yes I did mean by.:slap.:lol

:1-1: :1-1:

Okay. More submissions of mine were approved. Woo. Just going to get some lunch in me and then I'll get a few more up. It sure can be exhausting.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I do have a question, request, what have you..

In the future (doesn't have to be near future) will we be able to put our own stashes into categories? Like Pf list, 12" list, etc. Or is that just too much dang work? :lol

Sounds like too much work now that I've typed it.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I do have a question, request, what have you..

In the future (doesn't have to be near future) will we be able to put our own stashes into categories? Like Pf list, 12" list, etc. Or is that just too much dang work? :lol

Sounds like too much work now that I've typed it.

The next major updates are around the Stash. I am taking all suggestions now and I am going to formulate them into what I think I want for the site.

These updates will be done in iterations. The first iteration of the stash overhaul will be the ability for user's to upload their own photos.

I still determining the iterations after that.

So far some of the suggestions have been:

- Being able to drag and drop collectibles in your stash view to order them how you want
- Stash filters, so you can show collectibles of a certain manufacturer or type or license or etc. I think this is something that might do what you want to do.
- Allowing to specify default views when someone goes to your stash. Like if someone goes to view your stash, as a default they would only see your Sideshow collectibles.

If you have any ideas at all definitely post them here and we can discuss and I will see how I can incorporate it into the site!
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

Hey Joseph, before I add the Black and White stuff I want run it past you.

There are three ways I could set this up:

Series L1: Batman Black and White
Series L2: Artist


Series L1: Batman
Series L2: Black and White
Series L3: Artist


Series L1: Black and White
Series L2: Batman
Series L3: Artist

I am not sure the last one makes the most sense because it doesn't seem like they have other lines of Black and White statues.

The problem is it seems they have some statues where the series is "Batman Black and White" and then they have some where they break out the series to "Batman" and then "Black and White".

Hi Tyler. If I were you, I'd just use the easiest option, which is to set it up as "Batman: Black and White" line because even though they use different ways to name each statue, the thing is that they still belong to the same line.

Look for example, that they have released characters such as The Joker, Penguin and Catwoman, and they still consider them as part of the Batman Black and White statue line. What do you think?

BTW I think I am not understanding what you mean by "L2 artist" you mean setting up each and every artist for every statue? Don't you think submitting each item as, for example, Batman by Mike Mignola or Batman by Jim Lee would be enough?

Thank you!
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Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

These are complete:

Gremlins - Sideshow
-Assassins Creed (Ezio) - HT
-X-Men Origins (Wolverine) - HT
-Clash of the Titans (Perseus) - HT

And thank you for these!

*Runs away to submit them* :lol

Edit. Submitted :wink1:
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Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

This is a very rough prototype, but this is what I am playing around with for displaying user uploaded photos and potentially a new collectible gallery.



Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I am thinking that the new default stash view will be user photos at the top, in that gallery type of view and then below that will be the stash collectibles, in either a similar gallery but not necessarily styled the same.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

More squirreling.........

I found more old lotr stuff..:slap Man there is heaps..
Tyler for some reason the stuff I just added kept on getting
a non valid URL.:dunno so I just put down the URL for SS's site.
Hope your cool with that.

Stripe Sideshow Collectibles Statue 12/04/11 6:05 PM Pending
Gizmo Sideshow Collectibles Statue 12/04/11 6:10 PM Pending
The Crown of King Elessar Scaled Replica Sideshow Collectibles Replica12/04/11 6:19 PM Pending
Rohirrim Helm of Merry Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:24 PM Pending
Rohan Royal Guard Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:27 PM Pending
Uruk-hai Scout Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:32 PM Pending
The Orc Hide Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:36 PM Pending
Helm of the Mouth of Sauron Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:39 PM Pending
Orc Legion Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:43 PM Pending
Helms Deep Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:47 PM Pending
Moria Orcs Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:51 PM Pending
High Elven Infantry Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:54 PM Pending
Saurons Mace Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:59 PM Pending
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

More squirreling.........

I found more old lotr stuff..:slap Man there is heaps..
Tyler for some reason the stuff I just added kept on getting
a non valid URL.:dunno so I just put down the URL for SS's site.
Hope your cool with that.

Stripe Sideshow Collectibles Statue 12/04/11 6:05 PM Pending
Gizmo Sideshow Collectibles Statue 12/04/11 6:10 PM Pending
The Crown of King Elessar Scaled Replica Sideshow Collectibles Replica12/04/11 6:19 PM Pending
Rohirrim Helm of Merry Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:24 PM Pending
Rohan Royal Guard Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:27 PM Pending
Uruk-hai Scout Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:32 PM Pending
The Orc Hide Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:36 PM Pending
Helm of the Mouth of Sauron Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:39 PM Pending
Orc Legion Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:43 PM Pending
Helms Deep Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:47 PM Pending
Moria Orcs Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:51 PM Pending
High Elven Infantry Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:54 PM Pending
Saurons Mace Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/04/11 6:59 PM Pending

Haha yea they have a ____ ton of stuff.

Do you mean the SSC site was giving you an invalid URL? It is no problem.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I found more old lotr stuff..:slap Man there is heaps..
Tyler for some reason the stuff I just added kept on getting
a non valid URL.:dunno so I just put down the URL for SS's site.
Hope your cool with that.

I had the same problem because the links when you search are massive! so if you cut the link below to the Item Number which is 3000561 for ultron.

This is the link if you search Ulton

So remove all the text after 3000561 and you get a link that works

Hope that helps? :D
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta


Martian Ambassado Hot Toys Action Figure
Martian Soldier Hot Toys Action Figure
Martian Trooper Short Gun Version Hot Toys Vinyl Figure
Leader Hot Toys Vinyl Figure
Lisa Martian Hot Toys Vinyl Figure
Ambassador Hot Toys Vinyl Figure
C-3PO Special Edition Bust
Furnace Environment
City of Tanis - Map Room Environment
SSC T-1000 Action Figure
SSC Sarah Connor Action Figure
SSC T-800 Action Figure
SSC Gandalf the Grey Action Figure
SSC Boromir Son of Denethor Action Figure
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Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

Haha yea they have a ____ ton of stuff.

Do you mean the SSC site was giving you an invalid URL? It is no problem.

I had the same problem because the links when you search are massive! so if you cut the link below to the Item Number which is 3000561 for ultron.

This is the link if you search Ulton

So remove all the text after 3000561 and you get a link that works

Hope that helps? :D

Hey Tyler, it seem Jay has found a solution to my problem.
Thanks for that Jay, that's exactly what's been happening.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

More squirreling.....

Numenorean Infantry Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/05/11 5:38 AM Pending
Orc Trapjaw Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/05/11 5:42 AM Pending
The Gondorian Helm Collection Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/05/11 5:49 AM Pending
Helm of a Battle Troll Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/05/11 5:53 AM Pending
Helm of Theoden Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/05/11 5:57 AM Pending
Battle Helm of Eowyn Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/05/11 6:01 AM Pending
Easterling Helm Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/05/11 6:05 AM Pending
Helm of Elendil Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/05/11 6:07 AM Pending
Helm of Gimli Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/05/11 6:10 AM Pending
Helm of Eomer Sideshow CollectiblesReplica 12/05/11 6:13 AM Pending
King Leonidas Helmet Sideshow Collectibles Replica 12/05/11 6:19 AM Pending
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

More squirreling :D

Sideshow 12" Star Wars figures
Momaw Nadon - Hammerhead
501st Legion Vaders Fist Clone Trooper
Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight
Anakin Skywalker
Lando Calrissian
Admiral Piett
Captain Antilles
Commander Praji
Plo Koon
Kit Fisto
Mace Windu
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Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I have added all the new stuff you've seen popping up. :D I'm not writing it all out.


I went to add the 12" Lara Croft and it is saying that it's already there. But when I search for it, it doesn't come up. Does that just mean it's been submitted, yet not approved?

Today I will be adding some more Harry Potter busts to start. I have more to put up from Electric Tiki, First4figures, qmx and such, but I'll be able to get that done when poor SS is able to breathe a bit. I know we're all giving him a lot of work!

So! I'm off to add stuff. I just kind of forget which HP ones I've submitted already, haha. Dang. I think it's time I work with a spreadsheet.