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Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I want to apologize for not putting as much in as I did the first round. Implementing a new system at work is taking so much time I barely have time to simply post.

I will try and do more I promise.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I was hoping someone else would have added way more of the Harry Potter busts. It takes A LOT of time to add stuff and I need to do all the Buffy 12" cause we have too many slackers. :lol

Too many members with 0 in their stash. Maybe I should just go ahead and take all of their collectibles away. How would you all like that? Huh? :panic:

I'd like it. More for me.

:thwak:pfft: When you reach "ELITE" squirreling status such as the likes of Jay, joseph, d-snoopy and my self we can talk.
Until then GET SQUIRRELING!!!!!:horse:lol
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I would laugh at this, but I can honestly say my blonde hair is speaking loudly for me today, and I have no idea what you mean.

Squirrels steal nuts, yes I get that part.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I want to apologize for not putting as much in as I did the first round. Implementing a new system at work is taking so much time I barely have time to simply post.

I will try and do more I promise.

:rock :rock

No worries mate! You have done a lot before and any little you can do now is always appreciated.

Completely understand about work.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I have been around collection stash since the beginning when we did testing.

I've added 29 things so far, but I have more than that still to be added. Just doing it slowly since a lot of what I own isn't quite up yet, or the variants of those things aren't up, etc.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I just added a bunch more 12". Still a lot pending, etc. But I have time, so I'm in no rush. Once I'm done adding all of the items for Buffy, and some of the statues, etc that aren't up, I'll move over to HP busts that aren't up.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta



More updates tonight with the other license requests!
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta



More updates tonight with the other license requests!



Squirrel Master Nacho has spoken! :lecture :bow :bow :bow

Considering I don't have the lowest number of items on the list of people who have added stuff, I'm going to admit myself into the elite club.


I am adding a bust that is an AFX exclusive from Gentle Giant. That's not an option so I just put GG for now. It's the Merperson and Grindylow bust.
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Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta


Considering I don't have the lowest number of items on the list of people who have added stuff, I'm going to admit myself into the elite club.


I am adding a bust that is an AFX exclusive from Gentle Giant. That's not an option so I just put GG for now. It's the Merperson and Grindylow bust.

No, no we can't admit you just yet:nono. Elite status is valuated on how many individual items you have contributed/subbmitted to the site.
Not by how many collectibles you have in your own stash.
That is just showing off:nana: :lol:lol:lol
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Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

Well, I think so far I've added over 20. But I can't be sure. Everything that's been approved lately has pretty much been mine. And there's a lot I've submitted that hasn't yet been approved. But it's okay. I don't need to be on the elite team. Because I'm awesome all on my own.

And I am sure you mean 'by' and not 'buy.'
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

Well, I think so far I've added over 20. But I can't be sure. Everything that's been approved lately has pretty much been mine. And there's a lot I've submitted that hasn't yet been approved. But it's okay. I don't need to be on the elite team. Because I'm awesome all on my own.

And I am sure you mean 'by' and not 'buy.'

Yes buffy you are awesome..:hi5: :1-1: and yes I did mean by.:slap.:lol
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

These are complete:

Gremlins - Sideshow
-Assassins Creed (Ezio) - HT
-X-Men Origins (Wolverine) - HT
-Clash of the Titans (Perseus) - HT
Tyler can you add Mars Attacks to the HT action figure and vinyl figure? Cheers.
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I still believe that being able to organize the collection by moving each item by hand (with the mouse) is a cooler, more interactive feature IMO

(Tyler, as always, when you have the time, could you add the Batman Black and White line of statues to DC Direct? ;))

Hey Joseph, before I add the Black and White stuff I want run it past you.

There are three ways I could set this up:

Series L1: Batman Black and White
Series L2: Artist


Series L1: Batman
Series L2: Black and White
Series L3: Artist


Series L1: Black and White
Series L2: Batman
Series L3: Artist

I am not sure the last one makes the most sense because it doesn't seem like they have other lines of Black and White statues.

The problem is it seems they have some statues where the series is "Batman Black and White" and then they have some where they break out the series to "Batman" and then "Black and White".