Collection Stash: A Collection Cataloging and Collectible Archiving Platform

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Actually I loged out of my account after deleting the item and closed the page. when I went back a few minutes late I noticed the duplicate
was still there. From then I just open and closed the page a few time
but it did not work.

That is interesting. Let me know if it happens again. Thanks for reporting!
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta


We've all added a hell of a lot. :lecture

Some more than others. But the fact is, we are taking time to add things, no matter how many. It helps. Whether you add 1 or 100. Better than 0.

Now, if only I could get someone to help me with the HP busts. There's just too damn many to hunt down all the info for.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Some more than others. But the fact is, we are taking time to add things, no matter how many. It helps. Whether you add 1 or 100. Better than 0.

Now, if only I could get someone to help me with the HP busts. There's just too damn many to hunt down all the info for.

But That is just the funniest part of submitting stuff!!! :lol
Cool. Tyler, do you still have in mind the option to edit tags we commented on...last year? :p ;)

Haha last year. :)

Yes that is definitely on the plan. After my next round of stash updates and then the two other minor request features I can work on that. It is definitely needed. I agreed.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

It took quite some time, but I finally submitted my first collectible! I hope I did everything correctly! That was quite the process! :lol