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Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Another Request:

Could you add: Monkey Depot

to the list of places you can purchase an item?

EDIT: Also added: Art Figures "Saves" Punisher and Delta Force PFC for approval!
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Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Great news! I have now added all but one of the Art Figures releases. I will add the single Variant once they have been approved!
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

From that wiki link posted the Gold one is statue 7 and the grey one is statue 8 so it's the grey. I added them all in order and thought i made the grey one the variant? :dunno

I didn't see the grey one in their originally. I just saw the gold one, so I added the grey one in case that the gold one is a variant of the grey.

That is interesting that the grey one is the variant, I will make the update behind the scenes.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

I am going to get First 4 Figures and QMX added tonight!

I am going to hold off on Electric Tiki because the way they organize their collectibles has be rethinking how I am handling series. More on this later.

I think where I am struggling with the series stuff is that companies do it differently. For instance Hot Toys has series that spam across brands where DC Direct has series for specific brands same with Bowen. Elecktric Tiki is similar to Hot Toys. The way I have it now is that series are tied directly to license. Which works for most but makes it useless for Hot toys when I eventfully open up searching by series. I think I need to come up with a better way to handle that data that will work for most manufacturers and be useful.