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Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

From my time on these boards I've discerned that KD does not care much for reading or math. :monkey3
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

I add the info while watching tv. :lecture :wink1:

:lol :lol

I'm kind of dumb :(


Will there be any math?


From my time on these boards I've discerned that KD does not care much for reading or math.

Math + Reading + King=

Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta


Aragorn Son of Arathorn Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 5:55 PM Pending
Uruk-hai Scout Swordsman Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 5:57 PM Pending
Orc Pitmaster Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 6:00 PM Pending
Orc Warrior Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 6:03 PM Pending
Orc Brute Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 6:06 PM Pending
Orc Overseer Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 6:11 PM Pending
Lurtz Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 6:14 PM Pending
Thoden Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 6:18 PM Pending
Moria Orc Archer Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 6:21 PM Pending
Elrond: Herald of Gil-Galad Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 6:23 PM Pending
Moria Orc Swordsman Sideshow Collectibles Statue 11/07/11 6:26 PM Pending
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

Finishing up coding for the changes needed for DCD. I MIGHT get it deployed tonight, otherwise it will be tomorrow night! Then I will be doing massive amounts of approvals!
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

Did I read it right? DCD??? :blissy

Snoopy...the Cover Girls are mine!!! :lol:nana::lol
Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

he, he, he...I'd bet it was me the one who called them first...:nana:


Re: Collection Stash: Closed Beta

:lol You know I'm just kidding right? :lol:lol

I'll add the Cover Girls when you are not looking