Comic Con 2013

Collector Freaks Forum

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:thud: How old are you Swabie? Something does not compute.

I'm 39 (40 soon!) I came out to California to attend USC after graduating high school in May of 1992. I lived with my cousin in Inglewood that summer. She dropped me off on campus every day on her way to work. I met people, got ready for school, had fun and made friends with some people I'm still close with to this day. One of them just happened to be an animator who was working part time at USC's film school that summer and he took me to SDCC that very first summer I was in L.A. Best part is that friend moved back to Oklahoma, but I still meet up with him every single year at SDCC. :)
So, just out of curiosity, are any of you guys headed to the Hasbro booth at SDCC? I was wondering if someone might be able to pick up the Deadpool Corps. Box set for me.
My first year at SDCC was 1992, and I have gone every year since. This will be my 22nd year in a row.

The first year I went was with an old pal who just flashed his business card (he was a professional animator) and they just handed us tickets and were happy to see us. Boy have times changed. Those early years were a ton of fun. It really was a comic con. Hollywood and gaming hadn't invaded. Heck, even the toy companies weren't there in force. Exclusives weren't the norm by any stretch (I cant really remember any at all!) Sideshow was just a glimmer in its founders' eyes. And it was pre-Internet for the most part, so there were things there that I'd have never been able to see/buy otherwise. It's amazing how much the web changed the nature of shows since its a global market now.

Anywho, I've watched it go mainstream and change all these years - some for the better and some for the worse. I'm a spoiled brat as I've never paid for a ticket once. The hotel dance has gotten to the point of the absurd but that's just the way it is. The last few years I've brought my wife and kids and it's now a family affair. Yup, my ultimate geek getaway weekend has turned into family fun. It was bound to happen... a natural evolution. It's a lot if fun seeing my wife and two girls discover what I've loved for decades.

Every year as I walk in for the first time I think about those old timers who started it all back at the Grant in 1970. I wonder what they think (if they're still kickin'). Heck, I hope they have lifetime passes!

That would be a lot of fun to see that much change in this event. I mean I feel like I've seen a fair amount in the time I've been going. Its funny even though this will be my 9th year it doesn't feel like that many and 2005 was that long ago.

PS: I don't know if I've ever told you but the first year we met at the GG booth you scared the crap out of me. :lol I was kneeling down getting something out of my bag and I was all in my own world. Was the start of a great time meeting so many freaks but it may have taken a year or so off my life. :lol
So, just out of curiosity, are any of you guys headed to the Hasbro booth at SDCC? I was wondering if someone might be able to pick up the Deadpool Corps. Box set for me.

I'm no expert on the exclusives, but some of the Hasbro stuff is very hard to get (mainly because of the scalpers) and some not so much. Last year I wanted the XForce three pack and the Helicarrier. Was told by people at the booth that the only way to get them is to get the ticket upstairs and come back with it.

Long story short, I got there super early on Sat morning only to find out 2 hours later that the XForce set was sold out! How about putting up a sign or something so people don't wait in line for nothing for two hours?? :slap

Got my ticket for the helicarrier, only to find out later that afternoon that I could have just walked right up and bought one. And I would have thought that would have been the piece that was hard to get.

In fact we ended up buying two of them, and they're still tucked away, unopened in our closet.

I plan on trying to get myself one of those Deadpool sets, but I am not going to waste an entire morning doing it. Personally I'd rather pay 2x the price just to save myself 3 hours of my time.

Hopefully that piece is not as difficult to get, but Hasbro always has several pieces that sell out early.
Back in those days how much easier was it to get into the big panels? Were there still people camping out?

No, you could leave Hall H, go see the floor for an hour and walk right back in - no line. So if there was a panel you didn't want to see, you could leave and come back for it no problem. Now if you want to see the last panel of the day, you're going to have to sit through ALL of the panels before it because you won't be getting back in.
Does anyone here still go and walk around the outside booths even if they don't have a con pass?

No, you need a pass to get into the con period. There are no outside booths.
Plus, Hall H wasn't even part of the equation when I started going in 2003! I think 2004 was the first year for Hall H, because I distinctly remember hearing the name of Episode III there for the first time...
SDCC is getting so big, they are starting to do things outside that you wouldn't need badges for. Not enough stuff to fly here for the weekend if you don't have badges.....but last year they had all of the batmobiles on display outside, also had that zombie thing at Petco Park, and also had several things in the parking lot at Petco to name a few.

If you live close, it would be worth coming down just to walk around, see people in costumes, etc. But you aren't getting in the building without a badge.

I always wonder how many people make their own fake badges....all they do is make sure you are wearing one, they don't check IDs or anything. Wouldn't be that hard if you had one to copy. Not something I would ever do but I'm sure people do it.
I'm no expert on the exclusives, but some of the Hasbro stuff is very hard to get (mainly because of the scalpers) and some not so much. Last year I wanted the XForce three pack and the Helicarrier. Was told by people at the booth that the only way to get them is to get the ticket upstairs and come back with it.

Long story short, I got there super early on Sat morning only to find out 2 hours later that the XForce set was sold out! How about putting up a sign or something so people don't wait in line for nothing for two hours?? :slap

Got my ticket for the helicarrier, only to find out later that afternoon that I could have just walked right up and bought one. And I would have thought that would have been the piece that was hard to get.

In fact we ended up buying two of them, and they're still tucked away, unopened in our closet.

I plan on trying to get myself one of those Deadpool sets, but I am not going to waste an entire morning doing it. Personally I'd rather pay 2x the price just to save myself 3 hours of my time.

Hopefully that piece is not as difficult to get, but Hasbro always has several pieces that sell out early.

Do you think there'll be a limit of one per person on the DP set?
Like I said, not an expert. But I would expect that one to be pretty popular. I guess it all depends on how many they plan on making.
Anyone going to SDCC that could pick me up one of the exclusive Breaking bad figures? I would be forever grateful!
I always wonder how many people make their own fake badges....all they do is make sure you are wearing one, they don't check IDs or anything. Wouldn't be that hard if you had one to copy. Not something I would ever do but I'm sure people do it.

They're watermarked now. I've had my badge scanned several times, but it seems like they get lazier as the show goes.

I first went in '93 when I was a kid and my family moved to SD. I went for maybe 5 or 6 years before I fell out of comics in the late 90's, because they were really bad, but returned in '03 when I got back into them. Been every year since except '09 when I lost my job. I can't believe it's next month already.
Yeah, I really wish they figured out a better system for the big panels (even though I don't really go to them much). It's ridiculous to have tons of seats clogged up by people there for panels later that day.

Could they do a lottery for tickets for badge holders for Hall H? Kinda like they do for hotels? You fill out your top 2, 3, 4, 5 events etc and they go through and pick out people in rotation. So they go through and give you your top panel available that's not full and then put you to the bottom and you rotate back up. Maybe do it in pairs so you and a spouse/friend get the same ones? Then they could host a free exchange for people to swap when it's over. I don't know. Just spitballing. But missing the entire con waiting in line for one panel is really dumb for both the person and the convention itself. It's causing people to not get to see panels they want because its clogged due to the afternoon "Twilight", "Star Wars" or "Avengers" type mega-panel.

Btw, the only panel I love every year is "The Venture Brothers" panel. Always zany and fun as hell!!!
Do you think there'll be a limit of one per person on the DP set?

Most Hasbro stuff is limited to no more than 4 and rarely are things limited to just 1 unless its really limited (like their GI Joe 'variants') or big like the Helicarrier, and even then its usually 2 not just 1. Their line is Hell though. Worst line outside of Hall H, but so much more frustrating due to all of the hoops to jump though. They really need to offer these more online and less at show. Its rarely worth the wait if you just want 1 or 2 items. I'm never sure if I'll wait in the line or not. I just play it by ear.

Anyone going to SDCC that could pick me up one of the exclusive Breaking bad figures? I would be forever grateful!

You can buy that on Mezco's site right now, no need to even go to SDCC for it.

If it is true that Sideshow is just doing 'summer' exclusives, that would be cool. Like 1 a month or ever couple of weeks would be nice. It would at least spread out the cost a bit more. When they have 1 or 2 figures you want, its not bad, but when there are more than that, it can be tough to nab everything all at once. So if that's how they are doing it this year, that's an improvement IMO. :clap
Well considering the way SSC did it last year, there was really no such thing as a "SDCC Exclusive" seeing as anyone anywhere could buy them, and you couldn't pick them up at the show.

At least if HT spreads them out, it will be easier on the wallet for people who want more than one.
Man. After going to Denver Comic Con, I really really, want to witness SDCC with my own eyes.

It seems to be the easiest way of getting in would be making a movie, and promoting it at the ****ing thing. Jesus.
Hmm, just got email they're doing lottery style sale for returned badges. Said there are a few thousand tix available. Good luck.
I entered...

But just for Sunday. I'll be on the east coast until Saturday night during the show, so if I win the chance to maybe buy a ticket for this debacle, I'll just have to drive myself down after flying home Saturday night...


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