Commander Praji - Sideshow Exclusive 12"

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Some of these posts make it sound like they think SSC is deliberately withholding Vader as some sort of cruel joke on the SW fans. Remember Vader was the 2nd PF they did and they took a lot of flack from people saying "this isn't right, this is messed up..." etc. So I imagine they're taking their time and getting Vader right. Of course there will still be complaints, but perhaps fewer than if they rushed him out.

That's what I think is so funny about this whole thing... Sideshow is just doing there thing and we are kept informed about figures up to a year before they are released. Not many smaller companies go through that much trouble to keep people informed.

Oh well, I guess we all need something to get worked up over.
I kinda hate how it's getting lumped that the die hard Star Wars fans are all the extremists. I consider myself a huge Star Wars fan, hell I thought about being buried with my Star Wars figures when I die with Vader's funeral pyre playing during the service and a Darth Vader head stone, but I don't think I'm over the edge.
I kinda hate how it's getting lumped that the die hard Star Wars fans are all the extremists. I consider myself a huge Star Wars fan, hell I thought about being buried with my Star Wars figures when I die with Vader's funeral pyre playing during the service and a Darth Vader head stone, but I don't think I'm over the edge.

I think you, me, GB, Pix, etc. Sean are in the minority though of SW fans,
I for one think Praji is a great choice. It shows how much diversity is in this line. And who wants to rush Vader? I'd rather Sideshow artists take all the time they need and maybe collaborate with Hot Toys to get the fine details worked out.
I kinda hate how it's getting lumped that the die hard Star Wars fans are all the extremists. I consider myself a huge Star Wars fan, hell I thought about being buried with my Star Wars figures when I die with Vader's funeral pyre playing during the service and a Darth Vader head stone, but I don't think I'm over the edge.

OMG! I told my wife the same thing! Just but me on some wood and burn me and play that melody! :monkey2 Yes I am serious. :eek:
I think you, me, GB, Pix, etc. Sean are in the minority though of SW fans,

I think Prog said it right, that it might even just be a vocal minority that muck things up. I know a lot of people that really like SW, but there seem to be a contingency... or a darkside if you will, of really crummy ones :lol

Its almost like how people stereotype feminists as all hairy-legged man-haters... they're not all like that, but the most extreme of a group (usually the minority) typically become the mascots to outsiders.
Which character do you think he is?


It definitely looks more like this guy, Daine Jir - maybe they got the names mixed up (or the reference photos!)

Can someone post a screen cap of the officers in the detention center? I want to see a pic of the guy who says "What is this...thing?"
Okay folks, I'm gonna speak up a bit. For those that think it might be a mix-up of names, it IS George Roubicek as Cmdr. Prajji. My most sincere apologies for the substandard likeness but as some of you have discovered for yourselves, there's not an overwhelming amount of reference of good ol' George. I'd like for all of the portraits I do to come out as well as Frodo, Kit or Plo, but I guess I was having an off week when Mr. Roubicek came across my desk. Again, I'm terribly sorry, but hopefully some of the figures that will getting announced in the coming months will make up for this one.:(

Apology accepted, Timinator. I don't know about you guys, but it sounds to me like we will be getting some announcements in the upcoming months that will make us happy. Sounds like something big. Or, am I just reading too far into this?

Dude no need to apologize at all - Praji looks pretty kick ass to me! So he doesn't look like a spot on perfect portrait of the actor - it's not like George Rubicek is all that well known as far as Star Wars goes - which has been more than evidenced by the majority of responses of "who?".

The important thing for this figure is that the characterization is there, and this guy screams imperial officer. The personality present in the face is what works for me (along with the rest of the figure, but I'm referring specifically to sculpting here.) I think the sculpt actually looks a bit better (more intersting) than the actor himself.
I'm surprised people are making such a stink about the likeness. From what we can see it looks enough like him to me, especially in the mouth area. I think it's just that he's not a face that's burned into our brains like Harrison Ford or Mark Hamill where we know instantly whether something is off or not.
I don't know about you guys, but it sounds to me like we will be getting some announcements in the upcoming months that will make us happy. Sounds like something big. Or, am I just reading too far into this?

Don't go reading into this too much, I'm just saying the stuff I've worked on since looks much better. ;)
It's a good solid sculpt but like has been said, this is not a likeness ingrained in our heads. So if it isn't perfect I really don't mind as long as proportions are fairly good and paint holds out. I know this may be pushing it but can we get a hint as to weather those coming anoucements are humans or aliens? :D

I hope you didn't read through all of that if so I am sorry you did. I Think the figure looks, good does it look just like the guy maybe not but most didn't know who he was but when shown a picture it was like ok thats him. When I was shown a pic of him I was ok thats him, then shown the pic of the other guy I was oh it could be him too. I am looking foward to this other work you speak of if its anything like kit and plo I will be more then pleased with them i think.
Don't go reading into this too much, I'm just saying the stuff I've worked on since looks much better. ;)

First of all, I despise that you taunt us with your esoteric hints and suggestions. :cool: Second, I owe you my soul for the beauty that is the Frodo sculpt (and pray you will touch more LOTR 1:6). Most of all though, I think we should be grateful that the Star Wars line can afford the luxury of such random characters--I mean, you have a character with only a handful of lines done to Sideshow's wonderful level of excellence by the inimitable sculpters they have. We don't even have Gandalf, and he's one of the most beloved and well-known characters in fiction!

As a Star Wars fan, I feel, very, very lucky that Sideshow makes these figures--plus it gives me hope that we'll see Captain Antilles and some Rebel Fleet Troopers soon!
Most of all though, I think we should be grateful that the Star Wars line can afford the luxury of such random characters--I mean, you have a character with only a handful of lines done to Sideshow's wonderful level of excellence by the inimitable sculpters they have. We [Lord of the Rings] don't even have Gandalf, and he's one of the most beloved and well-known characters in fiction!

As a Star Wars fan, I feel, very, very lucky that Sideshow makes these figures


Well said man, well said.