I love what you have done! It looks great but the only thing I like better on the PF is the belt...
It would be nice if Sideshow took notes on these and realized that the cloth is ruining near perfect sculpts.
Not to take anything away from Compfly's awesome work, but Sideshow creates statues without cloth/metal/etc. for those who prefer that with their Comiquettes. There is obviously a market for mixed media statues, and Sideshow is catering to that market with the PFs. I personally don't mind the cloth outfits (though I could go either way with the 1/4 scale statues), and obviously lots of others don't mind either.
No worries! There are actually more people on this particular board, I would venture, that prefer 'cloth'. I'm not here trying to convert anyone, I'm just showing what can be done with what's been given to us. My only opinion regarding this is that it can be a shame to hide all the work underneath, with what ends up looking like, to me, a decent cosplayer outfit. The material never matches what these guys wear in comics. Cap wouldn't be wearing a t-shirt outfit, and that is exactly what the material he's in looks like. Those who love the look, more power to you. I don't care for it, and there are plenty of folks who agree as well. We all like what we like, and no amount of debate is really going to change anyone's opinion.
No worries! There are actually more people on this particular board, I would venture, that prefer 'cloth'. I'm not here trying to convert anyone, I'm just showing what can be done with what's been given to us. My only opinion regarding this is that it can be a shame to hide all the work underneath, with what ends up looking like, to me, a decent cosplayer outfit. The material never matches what these guys wear in comics. Cap wouldn't be wearing a t-shirt outfit, and that is exactly what the material he's in looks like. Those who love the look, more power to you. I don't care for it, and there are plenty of folks who agree as well. We all like what we like, and no amount of debate is really going to change anyone's opinion.
The thing is, the Cap PF is actually one of the better done PFs, but the cloth still looks a little silly in spots, and the bigger problem (IMO), is that it hides the brilliance of the sculptor's work underneath.
There always has to be one.
No worries! There are actually more people on this particular board, I would venture, that prefer 'cloth'. I'm not here trying to convert anyone, I'm just showing what can be done with what's been given to us. My only opinion regarding this is that it can be a shame to hide all the work underneath, with what ends up looking like, to me, a decent cosplayer outfit. The material never matches what these guys wear in comics. Cap wouldn't be wearing a t-shirt outfit, and that is exactly what the material he's in looks like. Those who love the look, more power to you. I don't care for it, and there are plenty of folks who agree as well. We all like what we like, and no amount of debate is really going to change anyone's opinion.
I like the PF better post transformation--so there's two. Great work nonetheless. I wouldn't mind having either in my collection.
We can't all be comiquette cheerleaders.
Don't have to be. There are plenty of us around. At least enough to support these AWESOME conversions.
I should have put we can't all troll PF threads --but seriously it was a brave and awesome conversion.