Conan reboot

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Wow...this thread...idea...everything is a FAIL!!!!

Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that this movie will suck. That's what's important! 200 pound Tony Jaa on Crack Displeases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Destroy this film! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!
Pretty cool motion poster here.

<object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase=',0,0,0' width='420' height='750' id='ConanTheBarbarianIn3D' align='middle'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always' /><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true' /><param name='wmode' value='transparent' /><param name='movie' value='' /><param name='quality' value='high' /><param name='bgcolor' value='#000000' /><embed src='' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000' width='420' height='750' name='ConanTheBarbarianIn3D' wmode='transparent' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' allowFullScreen='true' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' /></object>
I don't know what to think of this... I love the Schwarzenegger Conan films. The first one at least. The second is ok.

I'm reading the books which are great. Even though the character in the films was a bit different than how he is in the books, I think they did a good job with the films.

I'm not really familiar with Jason Momoa, apart from an ep or two of that Stargate show he was in, so I'm not gonna judge his acting yet, but right now he doesn't really look like the Conan I've been reading about in the books, IMO.

I hope I'm wrong and this film will kick ass, but for now I'll say that Schwarzenegger is the real Conan for me.

That poster is badass though, and I'll definitely gonna check this out in the cinema, hoping to be proved wrong! :lol :rock
When Conan gets tired after a day of modelling shoots, clothes shopping, pedicures and clubbing, he likes to stand on a pile of skulls holding a sword, trying to remember what it feels like to be a man.

Send this mook to Jersey Shore where he belongs.
I hope Hot Toys gets this licence. I love me some Conan the Barbarian.

The only license I'm hoping HT to get is the real Conan The Barbarian license!!! :rock :rock :rock


Crom, make it so!! :pray:
The action editing will make or break this film.

I am getting really sick of the Choppy sword fight editing
Yeah I'm holding out hope for this one. They just may pull it off.

Never understood how Arnold is "the only Conan" after 1 really good film and 1 really terrible film. Conan as a character stands the test of time with or without Arnie.
so far i like what i see

first look at stephen lang's character

i have the feeling that this movie will be good . . . well can't be worst than the destroyer
so far i like what i see

first look at stephen lang's character

i have the feeling that this movie will be good . . . well can't be worst than the destroyer

It's funny, I just watched Conan The Destroyer yesterday and it isn't good indeed...
Seeing these pics have given me some hope for this film. I'll definitely check it out in the theatre.
I think it's not a reboot of the Arnold films. It's a new movie based on a character created by Robert E. Howard that already existed before Arnold was born. All those who think Arnold is the only one who deserves to be Conan don't like Conan at all, they just like Arnold.

I'm a hughe fan of Conan as a character not just Arnold's Conan. I remember when I first watched at Conan the Barbarian movie I didn't like it at all. I had read comics since I was a kid and Conan the Barbarian was neither similar to what I used to know about Conan. Later I realized it was a good adventures film but nothing in common with Howard's books or Roy Thomas' comic-books. Conan didn't grow on a wheel of pain, he grew hunting animals and battling Gunderians and Aquilonians until he was 17 then he left his village seeking adventures.
Also, Conan is bulky, but not as much as Arnold was. Somebody with the muscles of Arnold wouldn't be able to fight and handle a sword with the agility and skill of Conan. :lecture
Hope this movie reflects Howard's books better than John Millius one, so I'm excited and I can't wait to see it!!!

*Excuse my english, I'm spaniard :)
I think it's not a reboot of the Arnold films. It's a new movie based on a character created by Robert E. Howard that already existed before Arnold was born. All those who think Arnold is the only one who deserves to be Conan don't like Conan at all, they just like Arnold.

I'm a hughe fan of Conan as a character not just Arnold's Conan. I remember when I first watched at Conan the Barbarian movie I didn't like it at all. I had read comics since I was a kid and Conan the Barbarian was neither similar to what I used to know about Conan. Later I realized it was a good adventures film but nothing in common with Howard's books or Roy Thomas' comic-books. Conan didn't grow on a wheel of pain, he grew hunting animals and battling Gunderians and Aquilonians until he was 17 then he left his village seeking adventures.
Also, Conan is bulky, but not as much as Arnold was. Somebody with the muscles of Arnold wouldn't be able to fight and handle a sword with the agility and skill of Conan. :lecture
Hope this movie reflects Howard's books better than John Millius one, so I'm excited and I can't wait to see it!!!

*Excuse my english, I'm spaniard :)

I see what you mean. I know that Schwarzenegger isn't the Conan, but it was because of these films that I got to know the character and only know am I starting to learn more about him.

I never read the comics, but I'm in the process of reading all the original Robert E. Howard stories and there's some great stuff in there. I like the fact that they used some references to some of the stories in the original films, like Valeria coming back to fight alongside Conan again, which Belît does in the novell.

The fact I like most about the original films is the vibe it is setting. It isn't your usual medieval movie vibe. It's more gritty, more raw in a sense. If the new film is able to do that too I think it will have a good basis.

I may have judged a bit to black and white about this new film before, but I'm definitely willing to give it a chance! And I also agree that Momoa looks more like the Conan described in the books than Arnold does.

Still, my hopes for original film HT figures remains! :lol