Confession: I actually like the Mighty Muggs

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Finally found Vader at TRU last night. I've been hunting for him for a long time. I'm kind of glad Hasbro is re-issuing some of these, as it's giving me an opportunity to pick up ones I couldn't find the first time around.
I don't collect these so i dunno if it's been posted. kinda cool lookin



That was my mugg haul for today. First mugs Ive bought since series 1 star wars and jango. That Revan looks great, can't wait to get him. You know that since Revan is coming that Malac and Nihlus are coming as well.
Just when I thought Mini-Mate and Kubricks were going away, these things come out and they're worse shelf filler than a bunch of gold and pewter Medieval Spawns from the Spawn fan club. :rolleyes:
I'm dying to find a Rex Mugg. On the Marvel front, that Ghost Rider and Thor have been eluding me something fierce. They are the only two Marvels I'm missing.
I saw both of those the other day at Walmart. They looked pretty nice. In fact that had a really great selection of the marvel ones. I had to forcibly restrain myself from buying any, since I really don't need to be starting another line right now.