Super Freak
I'm the most psyched about Ivy because so far, she looks to be the prettiest of them all. Power Girl is close, but her features aren't as delicate.
Frak. I know exactly what's going to happen. I'm going to walk into the LCS on Wednesday. Look at Batgirl, decide it looks better "in hand" and plunk down the scratch even though I've promised myself not to get this abomination. Ugh, such is the life of Incurably Collecting.
Where have you seen production photos of Ivy?
Don't do it IC!!!!! You're a jedi like your father before you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ivy's not coming out until Feb.
Frak. I know exactly what's going to happen. I'm going to walk into the LCS on Wednesday. Look at Batgirl, decide it looks better "in hand" and plunk down the scratch even though I've promised myself not to get this abomination. Ugh, such is the life of Incurably Collecting.
You guys crack me up.
You guys crack me up.
DC Direct due dates are as accurate as the weatherman.
Well unless after Hawkgirl he releases the absolute sexiest Big Barda, then I will have all the DC women I need. Big Barda in those apokoliptian red panties are just perfection. totally skipping armoured WW and Supergirl.