Super Freak
canary looks great! the pose is quite unique, and the real mesh stockings elevate the piece to a pf level of quality. nice touch by dcd.
man, now i can't wait for catwoman!
Great pics IC!!
Now I wish BBTS would get mine in.
I'm waiting patiently, yeah right, for Canary and Wave 11 to arrive so I can ship my Loot.
wow, wonder woman's skin tone looks even more orange-y when placed next to the other ladies. shame, it's a pretty excellent sculpt.
No clue why everyone keeps saying orange because mine isn't. She has a darker skin tone than the others but not orange.
If anyone is interested I found Black Canary at CornerStoreComics & AmazingToyz :: home :: Action Figures & Collectibles for $79.99 with black friday only free shipping.
No clue why everyone keeps saying orange because mine isn't. She has a darker skin tone than the others but not orange.
Urban Collector has Catwoman for $75
What is wave 11? I just want to know
Here's a couple more pics with the rest of the Covergirls. Enjoy!
No clue why everyone keeps saying orange because mine isn't. She has a darker skin tone than the others but not orange.
Sorry bad news Catwoman push back another week. Now DC Direct has her for the 9th of Dec.
No clue why everyone keeps saying orange because mine isn't. She has a darker skin tone than the others but not orange.
i guess "orange" is like a general description for her unusual tan. i saw a piece in a store that also had that slightly "off" colour as well. it didn't really look like a natural tanned skin colour, more like the artificial tan-in-a-can look.
anyway, i was referring to the shots of ww in comparison to the other ladies. maybe it's just the lighting in the photos...