Current discount codes at SSC

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Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

I constantly moan about taxes, nothing to do with SS but our lousy govenment, but Sideshow International shipping prices are very reasonable.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

When people read "shipping & handling" they always think that the "handling" part should amount to $0 so they view the S&H amount as just shipping.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

SSC's flat rate shipping is reasonable. Most figures are the even $10. When I sold a figure a while back, the cheapest shipping I could do via UPS was $17.

The $20 monthly codes equal out to free shipping plus some.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

I vehemently disagree with this. There are too many variables and it will only lead to higher product prices. This is not the norm in any industry nor retail business, regardless of what's being sold.

They're not shipping for profit - this is a rarity anywhere. It's called shipping to break even at best. People are getting spoiled by Amazon.

I'm not defending any particular shipping charge on any particular item, but in my experience, based on (multiple of) my orders, it all works out in the end in my favor, and that's before using any monthly coupon.

In my own business, I charge more than postage for shipping and handling. Sometimes much more, and I make no apologies for that. Here are some particulars for my own process.

1. I have to buy shipping supplies - which I have to have shipped to me or go pick up somewhere (sometimes both)
2. It can take a SERIOUS amount of time preparing and packing fragile items
3. For faster deliveries and tracking service I have to use USPS, but I'm in Canada - so I have to process all my shipping online, but then drive my packages 30 minutes away to drop with a private courier who then trucks them to the US.
4. I break even at the postage level on some orders. On some other orders I lose a buck or two not including time or supplies. So when I make money on others, it helps to average everything out. In the end, I'm lucky to break even.

I'll admit that amazon has probably adjusted my expectations in regard to the way business is done online and through the mail(But they do it so well, I buy cereal from them for chrissakes).

I understand your point regarding shipping as it relates to your business. But sideshow doesn't go through the same tedious tasks as a small business like yours. Regarding the shipping process, Sideshow gets bulk shipments from hong kong, toss the figures in brown shippers(not sure if hong Kong provides them), slap on a couple printed stickers, and hand them off to the UPS guy. Now I'm sure I'm missing a couple steps but thats the gist. And of course they get a bulk rate. What they pay to ship Marty Mcfly is a lot closer to $10 than it is to $21.50, and really why play the game of pricing the exact same figure differently?
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

The only thing that irks me about SSC's shipping is that they ship the shipper itself, where the same shipping price elsewhere gets you the same double-boxed.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

The only thing that irks me about SSC's shipping is that they ship the shipper itself, where the same shipping price elsewhere gets you the same double-boxed.

I don't care about the shipper. I have never (knock on wood) had anything arrive damaged and i have bought about 60 figures/statues from SSC over the years. I actually can not recall getting anything damaged from anyone, eBay, Amazon, Christmas gifts, etc. Now watch my next figure be crushed :lol
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

New code I just got emailed. 20% off Batman & Alfred Armory. Nothing new, but if anyone missed out or late to the game..

Code : ARMOR
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

I don't care about the shipper. I have never (knock on wood) had anything arrive damaged and i have bought about 60 figures/statues from SSC over the years. I actually can not recall getting anything damaged from anyone, eBay, Amazon, Christmas gifts, etc. Now watch my next figure be crushed :lol

I've had a couple of dings or slight dents in the shippers but nothing that transfered to the box inside. I did only once get a bad box. It was Sideshow's 1/6 Anakin Skywalker. Don't remember if it was the regular or exclusive Darth Vader version since I have both. The box had a big dent in it, as did the actual box inside the shipper. I contacted Sideshow and they were nice enough to send me a new box that came flattened inside cardboard. And guess what? It came all dented and banged up too!!! :lol Never bothered to contact them again or even swap boxes. But I do have a flat pressed Anakin Box in cardboard laying around somewhere....:dunno
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

I remember awhile back that I read that resellers weren't allowed to discount stuff more than 8%. But I don't know much about it and don't know if there are exceptions.

Yep, 8% seems to be the cap... I believe when I first joined the board it was 15% which when you factored in $10 shipping that a few retailers offered made for a great deal. But now it's almost always better to go through Sideshow using a $20 off coupon and banking RP.

I vehemently disagree with this. There are too many variables and it will only lead to higher product prices. This is not the norm in any industry nor retail business, regardless of what's being sold.

They're not shipping for profit - this is a rarity anywhere. It's called shipping to break even at best. People are getting spoiled by Amazon.

I'm not defending any particular shipping charge on any particular item, but in my experience, based on (multiple of) my orders, it all works out in the end in my favor, and that's before using any monthly coupon.

In my own business, I charge more than postage for shipping and handling. Sometimes much more, and I make no apologies for that. Here are some particulars for my own process.

1. I have to buy shipping supplies - which I have to have shipped to me or go pick up somewhere (sometimes both)
2. It can take a SERIOUS amount of time preparing and packing fragile items
3. For faster deliveries and tracking service I have to use USPS, but I'm in Canada - so I have to process all my shipping online, but then drive my packages 30 minutes away to drop with a private courier who then trucks them to the US.
4. I break even at the postage level on some orders. On some other orders I lose a buck or two not including time or supplies. So when I make money on others, it helps to average everything out. In the end, I'm lucky to break even.

I hear ya, after a round of sales it's easy to spend a few hours wrapping, boxing and labeling everything... not to mention getting it all dropped off or the cost of boxes, bubble wrap, tape, etc :lol
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

New code I just got emailed. 20% off Batman & Alfred Armory. Nothing new, but if anyone missed out or late to the game..

Code : ARMOR

Looks like that works on the one with Alfred, but not on the one with Alfred and Bruce.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

I can't believe what an amazing value the armory is with these discounts. Sideshow must have really cranked up production to the max on these.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

When you break it all down and realize you're getting 3 full figures, including basically a full DX12 that by itself went for $250+ that set is a steal at 20% off or more and double points.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

When you break it all down and realize you're getting 3 full figures, including basically a full DX12 that by itself went for $250+ that set is a steal at 20% off or more and double points.
I ordered the Alfred armory with that 50% off code a while back for $287. I checked eBay afterwards and most DX12s that I saw were going for $400.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

AOU Capt charged today and is shipping, hopefully he will come with a new card with a new code...
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

I'd be done for an armory at 50% off, because all I'm really interested in owning is Batman. The other stuff would stay in the box, and the box would stay in a closet until it was needed again.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

I actually ordered a second armory to part out just to get another Batman for cheap. One will be for the suit display in the armory and one will be the full figure.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

Decisions, decisions...what to use the next code on. Hawkeye? Spacetrooper? Not sure yet.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

I'll bee using it on BW
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings no June code yet

Marty cost me over $18 for shipping. I was a bit surprised at first, but then I shipped him to someone else, and it cost me $19.40. I know they get volume discounts, but still...
I do find it a bit off-putting though like someone else mentioned regarding this figure (and I'm sure others as well) that the exclusive version comes out to more ($21 and change for me), whereas the non-exclusive has the $10 flat rate. That doesn't really jive with me. Plus I may be mistaken but I swear I remember ordering it with flat rate shipping.