Current discount codes at SSC

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Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Ditto. Didn't know it could 'fill up'. That sucks. Oh well.

yup, it filled up yesterday - so they were fully aware this would be an issue today - so its first come first serve
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Periscope must share the same servers as all of the movie chains that crashed when The Force Awakens tickets went on sale!
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

All I want are some good deals. Contests and giveaways are all this Spook is... I get what someone was saying earlier about disappointing.

100% agree. Was really hoping to buy something. Maybe I should try to start reviewing figures on YouTube and that way they send me free stuff

I got in, could comment and everything,but the picture kept saying loading. Went out, went back in, got picture but chats full. I can't win this year!

That's what happened to me. Periscope isn't big enough for all of these people lol
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

yup, it filled up yesterday - so they were fully aware this would be an issue today - so its first come first serve

I did manage to get in after logging out several times. I didn't mind getting left out. Limited participation is good on competitions. Plus, I already won the Whiplash, MkII when they did the Periscope thing the first time around.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

I was in there for a bit up till the Tonto giveaway and it froze out on me.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

I just want a sale on the Cap 2 Pack and I'll grab it (I'll grab it this month anyways, I just would rather get it for 20% off lol)
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

"JOCKEY" - $100 off the Engineer statue...says it's a last chance deal.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Last year I got 11 figures from Spook. This year it is only going to be the Armory with Alfred and maybe War Machine.

Big disappointment thus far.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Almost got the Snake Plisken on that Periscope feed... The person who answered a split second before me got it

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Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

I just want a sale on the Cap 2 Pack and I'll grab it (I'll grab it this month anyways, I just would rather get it for 20% off lol)

I'm surprised there are no discounts on this stuff... The Cap 2 pack and armory have been sitting around for months.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

There were definitely deeper discounts last year. I would guess that it all has to do with how full the warehouse is and how much new stuff is coming in that they have to make room for.

This is only the 2nd Spook that I paid attention to so maybe I'm wrong but I think what we saw last year was a combination of over production and lukewarm/cold releases. Some of the things that got heavily discounted last year are still sitting on SS's site today which just shouldn't be. I think HT learned a lesson in how many pieces to produce of lukewarm releases last year.


The saw is family! :lecture

Wait, what?
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Hey, that Snake Plisken's been around for a while too. And don't bring up that Tonto and Man of Steel Jorel. Heck, so has Bruce Banner!
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

All I want is a discount on John Matrix 1/6, I'd be good with that and the RP!

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