Current discount codes at SSC

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I slept through this last one, despite having notifications turned on and my phone next to my pillow. Since Comic Con started, I've accumulated approximately $67 in codes, so...a little over a month, I guess.

They gave out better codes through Comic-Con, didn't they?

How much since Comic-Con ended?

Looking back through my emails they were sending 4-6 codes a day at the beginning.
They gave out better codes through Comic-Con, didn't they?

How much since Comic-Con ended?

Looking back through my emails they were sending 4-6 codes a day at the beginning.
I was at Comic Con, so I missed most of the codes. I think I only got $20 while I was there, so...$47.50 since it ended. I'd have about $10-$15 more if Facebook notifications actually ****ing worked.

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Jon Stokes Which one of you stays up to do these? Haha
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· Reply · 1
· 2 hrs


Radek Gardzielewski Well, i just got up a while ago
you do realize, there are collectors on the other side of the globe too, right?

· Reply · 1
· 2 hrs


Jon Stokes No, no. I do. Just wondering which one of the live/FB crew gets to post these at 2AM pst. Lol
· Reply · 1
· 2 hrs


Radek Gardzielewski Haha, that's true alright!
· Reply · 1 hr


Sideshow Collectibles We do Radek! That is why these types of codes get posted at random times & random timezones around the globe. If you missed this one, don't worry, we post codes throughout the week.
· Reply · 1
· 7 mins

The monetary value at the moment is so little that snagging a code is more about collecting a trophy after stalking a leopard halfway across Africa. But, more often than not, and as the way with leopards, you miss them and they take a chunk out of you instead.

You have to work every day at your job to get your annual salary too. When a system is based on doing repeated actions that add up to a bigger result in the end, it's a logical fallacy to set apart just one of those actions and claim it's "too little." Big things have small beginnings. If you get just $5 a week from Sideshow, that's $260 a year, and that means you're probably missing 1 out of 3 codes. A free sixth-scale figure is not a bad reward for this effort. And with SDCC and Spook, you could probably add on well over another $100 to that.

More often than not I get them because I've set up notifications on codes-only threads on two forums that send emails to my phone with sound alerts. I've also set up Twitter text message notifications for Sideshow with sound alerts as well. Facebook is impossible to get notifications from. Unfortunately, they haven't posted any codes on Instagram yet because notifications for them work too. The majority of the codes I've missed lately are because I was taking a shower.
You have to work every day at your job to get your annual salary too. When a system is based on doing repeated actions that add up to a bigger result in the end, it's a logical fallacy to set apart just one of those actions and claim it's "too little." Big things have small beginnings. If you get just $5 a week from Sideshow, that's $260 a year, and that means you're probably missing 1 out of 3 codes. A free sixth-scale figure is not a bad reward for this effort.

That's part of my ambivalence towards these little, random codes. I don't have to work any more. Code hunting is a part of my old life which, like sixth scale, is habit forming. Once it was the hunt plus a valuable reward - more so when codes are clumped together over a week as during SDCC.

The sporadic never ending smaller codes are of little practical value, and if you have emails set to wake you up in the night it just interrupts sleep.

The practical thing to do, for anyone outside America, is usually to ignore Sideshow and order from Hong Kong for greater savings. Sideshow is useful for their own products; for items sold out in Hong Kong; or if you have reward points built up.

The unending spattering of reward codes would make you a slave to Sideshow and their social media, which is something only worth submitting to during special occasions.
Doing work that you get paid for does not fit the definition of a slave. I do lots of rewards programs that take a little work, because they mean more money for me in the end. I'd rather do all of that then my actual, real job.

You again go back to the concept of these codes being too "little" or "smaller" which ignores my very clear argument as to why that's a meaningless, illogical statement to make.

Also irrelevant is where you order your paid-for product. You could continue ordering all that from wherever you want, but still continue getting free product from Sideshow with the codes.
Doing work that you get paid for does not fit the definition of a slave. I do lots of rewards programs that take a little work, because they mean more money for me in the end. I'd rather do all of that then my actual, real job.

You again go back to the concept of these codes being too "little" or "smaller" which ignores my very clear argument as to why that's a meaningless, illogical statement to make.

Also irrelevant is where you order your paid-for product. You could continue ordering all that from wherever you want, but still continue getting free product from Sideshow with the codes.

If I was doing paid work it would likely have set hours.

Sideshow requires 24 hours a day with only the possibility of a small payment.

Your mileage may vary.
I've been waxing supermodels on a volunteer basis for the past 6 months, so I don't have any time for codes, even if I'm not getting paid.
They occasionally request a minute of work at random times throughout the day. That might get you $2 or $3. $120 to $180 an hour is a terrific pay rate.

It's 24-48 hours for a possible $2-3.

You snooze you lose.

"Codehunters of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your sleep."
Ugh another 4am code.

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My sleep is more important. I don't have my phone in my bedroom simple because it will be going off with every Facebook post and Tapatalk post. I would love to be able to get more codes, but it's just not in the cards for me. I wanted to get as many points as I could so I could get that Ghostbusters set but it's went to waitlist anyway. :(
You guys aren't doing it right. Forum monitoring should be set to the codes-only thread, not this one. And Facebook monitoring doesn't work, so may as well turn it off. Sideshow doesn't really send out Tweets overnight except for codes, so turning on Twitter alerts won't wake you up needlessly.

Which Ghostbusters thing is on waitlist? The Gozer book is still in stock.
My sleep is more important. I don't have my phone in my bedroom simple because it will be going off with every Facebook post and Tapatalk post. I would love to be able to get more codes, but it's just not in the cards for me. I wanted to get as many points as I could so I could get that Ghostbusters set but it's went to waitlist anyway. :(
I agree! Sleep is definitely more important.. It's seems like SS always release codes between 2am to 5am EST. That's what I've concluded to.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
You guys aren't doing it right. Forum monitoring should be set to the codes-only thread, not this one. And Facebook monitoring doesn't work, so may as well turn it off. Sideshow doesn't really send out Tweets overnight except for codes, so turning on Twitter alerts won't wake you up needlessly.

Which Ghostbusters thing is on waitlist? The Gozer book is still in stock.
I think he meant the 1/6 Blitzway GB's.

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