I'm sorry that SSC got inundated with calls today from people too stupid to live, but I really don't see a way this event wouldn't have happened. No one can predict how forum conversation will upset lurkers, how do we even begin to judge what conversation topics or what jokes are going to drive someone to the point of calling a business to complain about fake codes? And how many of those complaints were people who just missed the real codes and got upset enough to call anyways?
So, we can sleep now ?
I feel like if people had the time to lurk around on these threads and try every false code, that's on them. The fact that they took it too far to go to SSC customer service shouldn't be held against the people who were just keeping this thread going throughout the entire week. There were opportunities to be notified via text or email of real codes, which never included the fake ones. Just my feelings though, I've been in here all week and it was always in good fun, nobody was ever telling somebody to try out this or that code if they weren't legit ones. The fake codes almost became like a hashtag to the event.
So, we can sleep now ?
Just wanted to say thanks for running the text updates! It was very much appreciated and I would have missed most of them had you not been so selfless, thanks again!
I feel like if people had the time to lurk around on these threads and try every false code, that's on them. The fact that they took it too far to go to SSC customer service shouldn't be held against the people who were just keeping this thread going throughout the entire week. There were opportunities to be notified via text or email of real codes, which never included the fake ones. Just my feelings though, I've been in here all week and it was always in good fun, nobody was ever telling somebody to try out this or that code if they weren't legit ones. The fake codes almost became like a hashtag to the event.
I think "No Posting Fake Codes Please, No Matter How Obvious" would be a simple solution to the problem going forward, and I don't think it would be a huge sacrifice to make. There are other ways to liven up a thread besides posting fake codes.
The Sandbox forum is members-only. Maybe this thread should be moved there. Also a bit of a shame, because I've seen folks mention in this thread that this is how they came to join the forum… But it would definitely keep out non-member lurkers.
It's pretty obvious to the folks who have followed this thread literally all week straight, refreshing the page every few minutes, that the fake codes were fake. But not everyone did that. Some people--with jobs, families, other reasons they didn't have time to refresh a website a thousand times over the course of five straight days and nights--would just stop in, I assume for a few minutes, look at whatever posts mentioned codes, and try them on the Sideshow site. Unless a person was actively following the thread conversations, or the fake codes they came across were blatantly fake, they might not even realize that any fake codes were being posted at all. They would see "latest code!" in someone's posting and that's as far as they would read. And when they tried it on Sideshow's site it wouldn't work, and they would assume that it was supposed to work. I'm not sure why so many of the people who posted fake codes can't grasp that. Not everyone has been religiously following this thread all week, so they wouldn't get any of the context of what was going on, they would just be looking at raw information. I don't think they were calling Sideshow to complain about people posting fake codes--I think they called Sideshow because they honestly didn't understand why the "codes" didn't work.
And how would they even know that a blatantly fake code was supposed to be fake? Just because a code is humorous in some way, that doesn't mean it's impossible for Sideshow to have used it, as far as a newbie knows. Unless you've been following the real codes all week you wouldn't know what Sideshow's "style" was with these codes. So as far as some newbie is concerned, maybe a humorous sounding code could be real too?
I think "No Posting Fake Codes Please, No Matter How Obvious" would be a simple solution to the problem going forward, and I don't think it would be a huge sacrifice to make. There are other ways to liven up a thread besides posting fake codes.
I think "No Posting Fake Codes Please, No Matter How Obvious" would be a simple solution to the problem going forward, and I don't think it would be a huge sacrifice to make. There are other ways to liven up a thread besides posting fake codes.
Or...maybe a rule to stop posting fake codes? Wouldn't that be simpler? Is posting fake codes really that crucial to people?
Are you the gentleman who sang the song to win his Cap?![]()
Just wanted to say thanks for running the text updates! It was very much appreciated and I would have missed most of them had you not been so selfless, thanks again!
THIS X 1000!