Custom Batman Capes

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I think I'm getting addicted to these capes... contemplating a third now for OC bats.

$100 on fabric for my figures?? Crazyyy.
I think I'm getting addicted to these capes... contemplating a third now for OC bats.

$100 on fabric for my figures?? Crazyyy.

:rotfl Same here! I'll be receiving my third soon! :google

Yea I'm contemplating getting one for my takara since I'm going to do some heavy modding to it when I get a chance

I'm going to get one for mine too. :duff

Hmm, I really like the Takara cape. What's the reasoning on replacing it? Do you want velvet?
Hmm, I really like the Takara cape. What's the reasoning on replacing it? Do you want velvet?

yea I like the takara one as well...but yes, i want velvettiness! I think I'll do a small demo for myself, putting my velvet tdk cape on my takara to see if it adds to it or if I can live without
I am not just saying this but the velvet cape really does add something to a begins figure. It gives it the color contrast that the real cape and suit had in the film
I am not just saying this but the velvet cape really does add something to a begins figure. It gives it the color contrast that the real cape and suit had in the film

that's what I was afraid of :( not a bad thing, but I just ordered my T-800 but I know when I get home and see that velvet cape I'm going to want the begins version :(

sooo muuuuuch speeending...does-not-compute! *gipetto just crashed from too many wants*
Hmm, I really like the Takara cape. What's the reasoning on replacing it? Do you want velvet?

These are my reasons:

1. I want velvet

2. The takara cape hangs nicely and everything, but it very cheaply sewn, with a VERY visible sewn and folded edge, as well as being cheap at the neck.
I am not just saying this but the velvet cape really does add something to a begins figure. It gives it the color contrast that the real cape and suit had in the film

Do the HT Begins and Takara capes have the same design? I remember my Takara cape having a hole that fits over the neck, and then the cowl fits on top of that.

Does anyone have a pic of their Begins cape all spread out?
I am not just saying this but the velvet cape really does add something to a begins figure. It gives it the color contrast that the real cape and suit had in the film

I completely agree man. I cant stress enough how I love the capes. Its really is just like the movie. Has such a deep black and fine texture, It adds sooooo much to the look of the figure.

It basically is pretty much movie accurate. I watched BB special feature and originally they were going for velvet. Unfortunately, true velvet was too heavy once it got wet so they used the finest silk then frocked it to give it the velvet look. So basically, the movie does emulate the velvet cape.
Do the HT Begins and Takara capes have the same design? I remember my Takara cape having a hole that fits over the neck, and then the cowl fits on top of that.

Does anyone have a pic of their Begins cape all spread out?

yes same design and the cape goes on the same way
So you actually cut a hole and everything?

That's cool... just don't know if I can justify buying 4 capes! :panic:
So, I finally got around to taking pics of my cape. I planned on shooting both (the rayon and the velvet), but was having so much fun with the velvet that I just stuck with that. Anyway, here's some pics and this is using my recently acquired Commtech neck mod. Thanks to lforigno and Commtech for making our Batmans (Batmen?) look even more awesome!




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Hi Guys

I am new on this forum. My name is Sebastien, I live in France, and I am the biggest movie fan ever and I collect tons of items, mainly figures. I have like 20 HT figures.

I just received my velvet cape for my OC Batman today and I am impressed. Thanks a lot Lance. You made my day !

I will buy a TDK for my dx batman next month, but I also wanted to know if those long capes work for the waving mode when Bats is laying on the Bat-Pod ??

Thank you guys,
and if any of you are interested in seein my collection, add me to your Facebook. I just created my FB account not so long ago, and it's all dedicatd to my collection. Havent uploaded pics from my HT figures so far, though, but it'll come.

Take care