Custom Batman Capes

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Yeah, that's the part that looks like the long. But the shape of the cape itself looks more like the short.

But it would be the actual size that matters... that's what she said...
Jesus christ how come I never get a email notification letting me know when you guys reply to my comments.

I checked in my userCP and everything is correct, still i am never aware when you guys reply !
I just got my cape.
But I wasn't sure how to put it on my figure.
Do i need to cut the little peg pieces from the Ht cape and attach that with the velvet cape ?
I just got my cape.
But I wasn't sure how to put it on my figure.
Do i need to cut the little peg pieces from the Ht cape and attach that with the velvet cape ?

No need to use the pieces from the old cape. Just remove the HT cape, then tuck the tips of the new cape in the same spots, above the chest armor. You'll have to use a small tool to assist in making sure they get down deep enough. It should hold pretty well...if not, try folding the tips over a bit before you stuff 'em.
No need to use the pieces from the old cape. Just remove the HT cape, then tuck the tips of the new cape in the same spots, above the chest armor. You'll have to use a small tool to assist in making sure they get down deep enough. It should hold pretty well...if not, try folding the tips over a bit before you stuff 'em.

Thank you for the tips
Hello my fellow Freaks,

For my first post I would like to publicly thank lforigno for his amazing capes, I have both the Rayon & Velvet capes that he made.

The velvet cape on the Dark Knight Original Suit figure turned a $200 figure into a priceless work of art.
I have this figure sitting next to the Tumbler on my desk, and I honestly spend more time staring at the cape (I can’t get over how black it is) than I do looking at the Tumbler.

lforigno, Thanks:bow
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You're making me really antsy for my cape! :panic:

And Welcome to the show Celtic-Predator! :duff
Hello my fellow Freaks,

For my first post I would like to publicly thank Iforigno for his amazing capes, I have both the Rayon & Velvet capes that he made.

The velvet cape on the Dark Knight Original Suit figure turned a $200 figure into a priceless work of art.
I have this figure sitting next to the Tumbler on my desk, and I honestly spend more time staring at the cape (I can’t get over how black it is) than I do looking at the Tumbler.

Iforigno, Thanks:bow

I wholeheartedly agree bro...

This is the best mod I've done on a figure and everytime I look at both my OC and DX I'm always admiring the dang CAPE.

Anybody that has a HT batman, I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend Lforigno's cape. It truly adds soooo much to the figure.
Hello my fellow Freaks,

For my first post I would like to publicly thank lforigno for his amazing capes, I have both the Rayon & Velvet capes that he made.

The velvet cape on the Dark Knight Original Suit figure turned a $200 figure into a priceless work of art.
I have this figure sitting next to the Tumbler on my desk, and I honestly spend more time staring at the cape (I can’t get over how black it is) than I do looking at the Tumbler.

lforigno, Thanks:bow

thanks allot man I really appreciate it.
Can anyone explain how the Begins cape attaches to the OC Batman? I want to order one but I want to know if I need to modify the figure at all first.

Can anyone explain how the Begins cape attaches to the OC Batman? I want to order one but I want to know if I need to modify the figure at all first.


It may seem heartbreaking thing to do'll have to break the pegs the cape clips are attached to. Fortunately, its easy to break. just slowly pull the cape clips and it'll break. Then, cut a small strip of electrical tape, attach half of it to the bottom of the cape clips, then the other half underneth the cowl. Some have glued the cape clips but I dont recommend it cause if you make a mistake attaching it, its permanent. As I mentioned above though, I HIGHLY suggest getting one though, its worth it.

Your figure will go from
(not my pic)

to this



The velvet cape is Sweet. Its really dark. Has a nice texture to it
and drapes well. Just such a HUGE improvement over the stock
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Awesome figure.

Terrible pose, bad cape and badly in need of a neck mod.