Custom Batman Capes

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I really don't think the neck is bad on OC Bats. This particular picture is just a really awkward pose. It appears his head is tilted back a bit, making the neck look longer than it actually is. I'm super happy with mine, and the only mod I'm doing to it is the velvet cape. Already bought it, just waiting for it to get here.
Dang, I'm not sure if I could do that. I do have a dremel though, so if I ever get this figure I might give it a shot.
^That one's not me Lejuan, but here is the one monkeyrobotmaster inspired me to do:

d'oh wrong link :slap

I'll be taking delivery of mine around Christmas and I'm wondering whether I'll be ballsy enough to go ahead with the mod in the event that I find the neck too long. This isn't a cheap figure and of course I'm nervous about fiddling with it. I'd love to open the box and be absolutely happy with the neck :)
If I get the figure and decide to do the neck mod, I'll probably pace around for several days before even getting some tools out.

You really don't want to ruin something so expensive.
If you're not 100% committed to doing it, don't do it. Not with something as rare and damn expensive as the OC Bats. If you don't have OCD with your figures, it won't bother you. It doesn't bother me at all, and I've never thought the neck looks too long.
If you're not 100% committed to doing it, don't do it. Not with something as rare and damn expensive as the OC Bats. If you don't have OCD with your figures, it won't bother you. It doesn't bother me at all, and I've never thought the neck looks too long.

Awesome! It's great to be hearing you, Agent and others say this. OCD can be catching if you're not careful :)
No kidding. Also, learning to actually pose your damn figures and not leave them standing there like a mannequin or stiff as a scared board will help, as well. If you pay for the figure, pose the damn thing and make it look good.
thanks for the cape lforigno! takes my DX bats to a WHOLE, NOTHA LEVEL!!! :rock


Got my velvet OC Batman cape today. While I was a bit upset about having to break the clips to take off the old cape, the new cape looks sooo much better I got over it pretty quickly. I'll try to post a picture a little later, as I'm going to be heading to bed here in a few.
^^i think I sent you a message on ebay agent btw...if you're bulbasuar or something like that, you should have a message from toycomicdude which is me :lol
No kidding. Also, learning to actually pose your damn figures and not leave them standing there like a mannequin or stiff as a scared board will help, as well. If you pay for the figure, pose the damn thing and make it look good.

Got my velvet OC Batman cape today. While I was a bit upset about having to break the clips to take off the old cape, the new cape looks sooo much better I got over it pretty quickly. I'll try to post a picture a little later, as I'm going to be heading to bed here in a few.

Wahh? I wasn't aware something had to be broken for the process. Is there a guide somewhere? I recently acquired an OC bats (FINALLY!) and must know! Thanks.
A few people posted about their experiences in the OC Batman thread. Those little triangular pieces that hold the cape in place are what has to be broken. They come off with very little effort, too.

The lforigno cape has a hole in it for Batman's neck. Once you place that, you can glue or tape the triangles to the edge of the cowl, which is more movie accurate anyway. I used electrical tape on mine after reading about someone else having success with theirs. I'll post a few pics later if the sun comes out. The lighting in my apartment is really funky sometimes, and I get my best shots with natural daylight.

I know the thought of breaking such an expensive figure is mortifying, and I was feeling the same way you were about it. Still, I figured that even if I ever quit collecting 1/6 figures, I'd keep this particular Batman figure, so it was worth it to me. If you're looking to resell your Batman eventually, I'd say don't do the mod. Otherwise, it's such an improvement that once you see the finished look, you won't be sorry you did it.
Honestly the OC Batman is so sought after that I don't think you would lose much money in resale if you did the mod. In fact it might help the sale. :)