Custom Batman Capes

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oh ok coolbeans then. it does shine more in that case man. the suit doesn't look too bad either IMO how dark the V1 coat really works well with that HIT ME scene
^^agreed. voudon's shots are ace! :rock

oh and futz my cape a bit and I'm more happy with it now :)

You got it hangin' really nice there G!!!

...wait, that came out wrong...
I actually personally prefer the rayon capes. They aren't as accurate, but I like the way they hang better.
I just want to bump up this thread to let everyone know what an upstanding guy lforigno is. He is hands down the best seller I have ever dealt with online.

My cape did not arrive after almost two months and I pm lforigno about it. Immediately, without question, he sent me a new cape, which arrived yesterday (took a week this time).

Most online store or seller would have used the usual "I am not responsible for any lost item during shipping".

Since I am from a region where fraud is not uncommon, there is no reason for lforigno to trust me. I am however glad he did.

Do not hesitate to buy from him. His cape is fantastic and now my Batman looks 100% better. His cape makes the HT stock cape looks like cheap washcloth.
He did the same thing for me. Sent me a second cape when my first went AWOL and even gave me a $5 refund for my troubles. :clap
thanks guys, I just like to do what I hope someone would do for me is all. I try my best to please everyone and sometimes things just get lost in the mail. but I appreciate everyone being patient, you guys are the best.
how much are the OC velvet capes again Lance? and do you still have velvet for it? I guess it's a bit pointless for me asking now b/c I can't get one atm but still curious :lol thanks