Custom Batman Capes

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all capes up until this point have been made and dropped off at the post office for shipment. So you guys in the US should be receiving theirs late this week whereas others internationally soon thereafter. Again I still have material left so let me know if you would like one as I am not sure when I would be making the 40 minute trip again lol.

:horror:horror wow! 40 mins! man we are lucky to have you bud! :rock

if I don't find what I'm looking for at Joann's Fabrics I call it a day and say "oh well" :dunno :lol
Can someone with the Batman Begins OC talk about how easy/hard it would be to add this new velvet cape? Is it difficult or risky in terms of removing the head, putting the cape in, etc. Would love to know before I committ to buying.

it's real easy. If you can stick a pole into a hole then you should have no problem at all. lForigno makes the cape with a hole where the neck should be so all you do is pop off the batman head and put the cape on the neck then pop the head back on.
Cool, thanks San. BTW, are those triangles on the BB cowl attached to the cowl itself, or to the cape that comes with the figure?

If it's to the cowl itself, if one of them broke off, would it be impossible to properly secure a cape to the figure?
Cool, thanks San. BTW, are those triangles on the BB cowl attached to the cowl itself, or to the cape that comes with the figure?

If it's to the cowl itself, if one of them broke off, would it be impossible to properly secure a cape to the figure?

The cape clips will be the one that's scary to do but necessary. From what I gathered, it has a peg that's attached to a disk underneath the body. You have to carefully detach the cape clips off possibly breaking the pegs. Attaching seems pretty easy and will make it even more screen accurate cause you can place it next to the cowl and go lower. Cut a piece of electrical tape. Half side underneath the cowl, the other half underneath the cape clips. Some have glued it but I'm gonna go do the tape route as a mistake on applying glue is permanent. I'm scared to do this myself but the figure is just too cool with the velvet cape so I'm looking forward to doing the cape mod. Now FYI, I'm going by from what I've been reading and common sense. If I am mistaken, someone else correct me if I'm wrong.

Received my velvet tdk cape today in the post. Awesome job, mate! What a great difference the right cape makes in giving bats a more screen accurate feel in weight, shape, and tone.

Buy with confidence, gentlemen, lforigno makes good on his word.


Received my velvet tdk cape today in the post. Awesome job, mate! What a great difference the right cape makes in giving bats a more screen accurate feel in weight, shape, and tone.

Buy with confidence, gentlemen, lforigno makes good on his word.


I too received my tdk cape today. My bats is still in the box, so pics won't happen for a while, but the fabric looks awesome and it's cut very nicely! Great work as always!
Aaarg! Lucky!
Was hoping mine would be in the mailbox buy alas, not yet. I'm looking forward to do the cape mod on my OC bats and I'm currently on the hunt to buy DX bats. Lol, yeah I bought his dx cape also even tho I don't have the DX yet.:lol


Still my favorite look for the long cape. :cool:

Wheres that light coming from? Is that from the base or its a light above in the shelf?

*EDIT*: Nevermind, looking at it now the light is shining down, so im assuming its a light in the shelf...

Wheres that light coming from? Is that from the base or its a light above in the shelf?

*EDIT*: Nevermind, looking at it now the light is shining down, so im assuming its a light in the shelf...

Thanks :)

Yep, I installed LED strips along the top of the shelving unit
That's the camera setting.

It lighting looks more like this in person:

Still nice. Damn, wish I have your camera. Great pics man.

Reason I asked is that I also have LED lighting and I've been looking for something like a translucent paper of plastic that I can tape to the LED to give it that bluish tint. I used to have an LED that gave that tint and I loved it. It wasnt as bright as the Ikea LED strips but it gave a really nice bluish tint which is kinda similar to your pics. Unfortunately, it was battery operated. So got tired of not being able to leave the light on cause it drains the batteries. The one I have now are those LED strips and they're bright and I'm trying to find that same effect.
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Actually, my camera is just a point and shoot. Basic camera's are capable of more that people think. ;)
Got the Dark Knight short cape in today.

When the cape is on the figure, it is shorter in the middle than the sides, is this right iforigno? You can see whatever is behind him and stuff.

Extremely nice though, miles better than the HT cape!
Got the Dark Knight short cape in today.

When the cape is on the figure, it is shorter in the middle than the sides, is this right iforigno? You can see whatever is behind him and stuff.

Extremely nice though, miles better than the HT cape!

Yes this is right for the ones with curves. I myself like the capes with no curves which is what bale wore in both batman films. The only time his cape ever had curves was when he was gliding. On my figure I had before all my capes had no curves and looked more accurate.