CW Green Arrow series, "Arrow"

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The trailer looked awesome, and it seems that Diggle has a visor that covers the rest of his face, which makes it about 10x better. I don't know why they didn't advertise that fact. Also, CONSTANTINE!
So, Neal McDonough playing Neal McDonough again... Nice.
And the villain of Titans is now here, which (as always with this show) makes no sense at all.
Tomorrow, Arrow returns!

I'll probably miss the premiere because of work, but will catch in On Demand.
I like how Oliver has a happier, lighter mood. He no longer looks depressed, or post traumatic. With Damien Darhk's powers they will need help.
I hope they killed off Felicity.

I don't think we will know for a while though, unless next weeks episode picks off then. I think the season is going to lead up to the death for whomever it is.
Apparently there was an Hal Jordan cameo in the episode , ill have to rewatch it to catch it. And i think its Captain Lance that got killed off, but probably Felicity.
Apparently there was an Hal Jordan cameo in the episode , ill have to rewatch it to catch it. And i think its Captain Lance that got killed off, but probably Felicity.

It was pretty hard to miss. When Ollie and Waller were getting drinks at that Coast City bar, the first thing you see is that Bomber Jacket with the "Jordan" name tag, which almost gave me lockjaw from the **** eating grin I had frozen on my face. Tons of Easter eggs here. Between that and Kord Industries, not to mention Ivy Town (where Atom 2.0 Ryan Choi resides). All in all, a fantastic episode. Felicity's definitely a marked improvement over last season, already, and the satisfaction of seeing new Ollie over Batman-lite has already improved my perception of the show ten fold.

I'd love it if all this mystical goodness led to a Zatanna appearance.
First we have to deal with flash backs to 5 years ago.
Now we have to deal with flash forwards to 6 months later!
So will this season pick up after the 6 months or will be doing the old time warp all season?
I thought the premiere sucked.

Very anti-climatic, IMO, just like last season left off.

Of course, I'm going to stick it out because I like the villain so far.

But I'm so lost with the flashbacks and forwards and sideways and whatever. I don't even know what's going on anymore. :lol

And I'm assuming the grave site seen with Barry is in the future or did that happen already or was that in another universe as a result of what happened in Flash? Again, totally confused.
I'm really hoping this is the last season with flashbacks, because Oliver is back on the Island. Don't understand how that will be crucial at all. Also I'm ****ing stunned how some dude knocked him out before he could let his **** breathe.

I love Emily, so I enjoy anything with Felicity; what's bothering me is the whole Diggle thing. Like dude, get ****ing over it. Thea is cool but I think it could have used a better suit and be less bitchy. I also love Laurel without the wig, hope we get an easter egg with the fishnets.

The mystical thing is great, will add a lot with Constantine and like BF said, please let it lead to Zatanna, maybe even something with Dr. Fate.

Awesome episode, but I missed that Jordan came lol; I'm hoping it kicks ass again because S3 felt like drinking OJ after brushing your teeth.
Don't like the new suit. Looks like they ripped off the Green Arrow suit from Smallville.