I liked the episode until the end when its contradicts its own world building, and several characters make incredibly stupid decisions and act completely out character.
Why did Barry give up his powers when he already proved he was faster then Zoom and could beat him outright?
Why didn't the team come up with a counter plan?
Why didn't Wells sabotoge the device used to give Zoom Barry's speed? His whole arc has been to protect his daughter, but he just powered up zoom who is now on the same earth as his daughter again
Zoom Let Wally go first, why did they feel compelled to keep their end of the bargain? Did they really think Zoom, a killer and liar would hold up his bargain? (Again flash was faster then zoom he could have just fought him or they could have shot him again with nail gun or whatever that gun was they shot him with the first time)?
Why would flash give up his powers to save Wally knowing damn well that there would be nobody else left to stop zoom? Was Wally's life worth the lives of countless others, or even Caitlin's? Why couldn't the team have come up with another plan to save Wally?
What was the teams plan to stop Zoom once they rendered Barry powerless?
How did Zoom travel back and forth between Earth 2 and Earth 1 without a portal or Cisco's help?
If Hunter Zoloman was a notorious serial killer on earth 2, how come nobody recognized him when pretends to be Jay Garrick," only to take their hope away"; His face is not covered.. How didn't Wells know about this, or recognize him for that matter? The way the reveal is played off, he doesn't even seem all that surprised.
Where did they get the cardboard cutouts of Zoloman's family, and why that tactic? that whole scene was a little cruel and out of character for the team, struck me as more of a tactic a villain would use, not a hero.
The team knows Zoom is dying and needs Barry's speed why the hell did they even chase him down? If they just stayed away he would have died eventually since he was stuck on earth 2 without anymore speedsters to save him.