CW series The Flash

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I just binged this entire show in a span of three weeks. I loved season 1 and 2. Loved Zoom! Very intense villain.

This season isn't as wowing so far and I will say the last episode was the first time I sat there and did not enjoy a particular episode that I recall. I think season 2 had one as well actually, but since I binged it it didn't have that week-long immersing effect.

This show needs captivating villains. Reverse flash and Zoom are some of Flashes best. I can only take Mr Cold in doses. How many other great villains does Flash really have? Godspeed is brand new in the comics.

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Another small hiatus ..I hate when they do this :slap

Better not be because of Election coverage but probably is :pfft:
No. Season 2 is my favourite Wells.. and that's ignoring the fact that Season 1 Wells wasn't Wells. One would assume he still had Wells' personality and mannerisms down to a tee..
I had to DVR it. Almost done with it. Not feeling it so far. Not bad, but just not to the level I expected.
Bad guy could have been beat if Barry had a flashlight.

I guess the characters have shrugged off their new flashpoint traits.

Figure that Harry Potter is going to be Alchemy.

4 day CW superhero teamup!!
I really liked this episode. I'm so torn for Caitlin! I want her to be KF, but I also love her as part of the team!!

I'm sure that vibe will play out. I'm certain Vibe can deal with the powers.

I do like that they hint about Iris wanting powers, ****, you think Lois, MJ, Iris, or whoever else wouldn't want powers?!

Stoked for next week and the team up. I haven't seen LoT all s2 or the last, I believe, 5 episodes of S1. I also gotta catch up with Supergirl.
I really liked this episode. I'm so torn for Caitlin! I want her to be KF, but I also love her as part of the team!!

I'm sure that vibe will play out. I'm certain Vibe can deal with the powers.

I do like that they hint about Iris wanting powers, ****, you think Lois, MJ, Iris, or whoever else wouldn't want powers?!

Stoked for next week and the team up. I haven't seen LoT all s2 or the last, I believe, 5 episodes of S1. I also gotta catch up with Supergirl.

LoT has been much more enjoyable than Arrow. It has a lot of the funness that the Flash has

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we are really seeing how seriously Barry screwed up the Timeline for his friends.

Sad to see Caitlin struggle with her reality as Killer Frost.

Why did they make Shade so lame,he's actually way more of a complex character.Funny how you can tell a lame foe in the Flash now.They do away with them very quickly.

So is Alchemy Julian?..seems to be what they want us to think.

Alchemy get's into Wally's head and that leads the gang to his lair.Where we find that Alchemy and his Robed cronies all worship Savitar.The self proclaimed God of Speed( here we go again,just what we need another speedster).I wonder why they have Savitar in all that Ultron/Transformers style Armor?And is Barry the only one who seems to even notice Savitar.

So is this going to be the major theme in the crossovers?Otherwise looks like the Alchemy/Savitar scenario will play out untill Barry realizes he has to figure out if he can even undo what he has done to the Timeline.
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I think it's a safe guess that Julian is Alchemy - I'm hoping for a less predictable plot twist though.