Super Freak
I don't watch the other shows involved in the crossover, is it best just to skip this Flash episode and carry on next week?
Why not just watch the other two shows once?
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I don't watch the other shows involved in the crossover, is it best just to skip this Flash episode and carry on next week?
I don't watch the other shows involved in the crossover, is it best just to skip this Flash episode and carry on next week?
You should definitely watch the other 3 to appreciate it fully. I didn't watch Supergirl and struggled....
I DVR'd all 4 so I'll probably watch them all this weekend. Skip past all of the commercials I'll probably be done in 3 hours.
speedsters speedsters speedsters kid speedsters God of all speedsters The Flash slowest of all speedsters give us a Freakin' Break.
This episode was not bad but poor Barry everything he does causes more problems for everyone.Nice to see Jay and the Trickster on Earth 3 even just for a moment.This is the closest we will probably get to seeing Hamill playing The Joker.And a neat homage to Hamill and Shipp reviving their rivalry from the 1990 Flash series.
What was with Julian/Malfoy rambling on about the Philosophers Stone?
Savitar was pissed at Barry for being personally wronged by him in the future and since he knew everyone in the room so intimately it's safe to say Savitar is one of them.Savitar's cryptic tease about future tragedies awaiting team Flash was a nice touch.And you know Barry throwing the Savitar Box into the Speedforce is going to come back to bite him.
I hope they finish up Flashpoint because it's pretty much been a Dud.