Super Freak
12... As bicoid said.
Oh ok, awesome thanks!12... As bicoid said.
Can anyone cite the easter eggs? I just remember them talking about a greek girl in college but didn't get that reference since I know nothing about DD except for the Affleck DD
just finished episode four, I'm quite surprised at how graphic the show is, a lot more violent than I ever thought it would be, the end with Fisk and the russian was insane, I'm surprised Marvel made a show this violent, I wonder if all the other shows will follow suit.
just finished episode four, I'm quite surprised at how graphic the show is, a lot more violent than I ever thought it would be, the end with Fisk and the russian was insane, I'm surprised Marvel made a show this violent, I wonder if all the other shows will follow suit.
In addition to the Punisher, I would love to see a Moon Knight series done like this.
It's basically this on screen, I'll be honest wasn't a big daredevil fan going in, but after this series, started reading Miller's Man Wothout Fear. Instantly hooked.
Finished the whole series half an hour ago and overall very satisfied with what they shoved in my face. Granted it slowed down the couple last episodes just a tad to add more dramatic elements but finished strong.
The characters just bleed off the screen, everyone was well fleshed out. Especially Foggy and Karen.
Love the suit, just love it. The nose piece throws me off a little but I'm sure when I see more of it, it'll grow on me.