Super Freak
I was disappointed with the suit. I was hoping it would be a single, thin material that hugs is body tighter, like in the comics, and less body armor-y. Maybe it will change as the show progresses.
But boy, that ending was great. It was so satisfying to see him confront Fisk in the official Daredevil suit, even if I didn't like the design.
If you're going to start this **** here, please just leave.
The cool thing about it is that it's so thin, as we saw with Fisk, that he could probably put it underneath a fabric, comic based costume. I doubt they'd ever go that route, considering we've already had the armored suit look established, but it's nice to know it's a possibility. I still love it, though, but every time I see the opening credits I think of how cool it'd be if DD looked like that.