Dark Knight Headsculpt Set From Chris Howes

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Hey Chris I paid for one Painted Stearn Joker already....but I would also like to get on the list for an extra Un-painted Stern and Liking lips Joker and a Bruce Wayne head there just two awsome to get one. I get paid next week Ill send you payment for those then if its cool. thanks
Hey Chris I paid for one Painted Stearn Joker already....but I would also like to get on the list for an extra Un-painted Stern and Liking lips Joker and a Bruce Wayne head there just two awsome to get one. I get paid next week Ill send you payment for those then if its cool. thanks
Glad you couldn't resist! I'll chage your list status...

Hey everybody, I'll be sending the first castings to Kuato tomorrow (Monday)for his paint app to finally show how these guys will look!

Thanks to Calvarenga, I have a HT body to work with. I've fine-tuned the necks a bit to fit better, and I've given that slightly slouchy look to Joker.

I'm taking a little extra time to make several molds on the Joker 1 head. Demand is high enough that I worry about wearing out the mold, so I'll make several before altering him to be the Licky version. I much prefer molding from the original model rather than from a cast.
I am looking forward to seeing them painted up as well.
I just sent you a pm about payment question.
Sorry, I was a little confused with all the variations and combinations of heads
and drilling out posts. Thanks!
Is it possible to still get in on a regular unpainted Joker head at the discount price?
Long time lurker. First time poster. Registered because of these awesome sculpts and seeing Kuato's lifelike painting.

Chris & Kuato, put me down for

1x stern Joker painted
1x licking lips Joker painted
2x Wayne painted

I assume that the total would be $160? ($75 for the sculpts and $85 for the paint?) Let me know if my math is off. I will send the Paypal funds to you and Kuato on Saturday if that is ok (I get paid Friday).

Incredible work man, especially on the subtle Bruce Wayne smirk. Even though I liked the HT Bale likeness, the hairstyle was off considering his look in TDK, but you captured it perfectly AND managed to one-up their likeness of his face too, even unpainted.

I can't wait to see your sculpts of the supporting characters. I'll almost certainly be ordering a set of those too.
Long time lurker. First time poster. Registered because of these awesome sculpts and seeing Kuato's lifelike painting.

Chris & Kuato, put me down for

1x stern Joker painted
1x licking lips Joker painted
2x Wayne painted

I assume that the total would be $160? ($75 for the sculpts and $85 for the paint?) Let me know if my math is off. I will send the Paypal funds to you and Kuato on Saturday if that is ok (I get paid Friday).

Incredible work man, especially on the subtle Bruce Wayne smirk. Even though I liked the HT Bale likeness, the hairstyle was off considering his look in TDK, but you captured it perfectly AND managed to one-up their likeness of his face too, even unpainted.

I can't wait to see your sculpts of the supporting characters. I'll almost certainly be ordering a set of those too.

Glad you like them and decided to stop lurking and come out of the shadows!

Total is right, but shift $5.00 to Kuato.

$70.00 to me ([email protected]) for 2 sets of 2 heads and $90 to Kuato ([email protected]) for his wonderful painting and shipping.

Long time lurker. First time poster. Registered because of these awesome sculpts and seeing Kuato's lifelike painting.

Chris & Kuato, put me down for

1x stern Joker painted
1x licking lips Joker painted
2x Wayne painted

I assume that the total would be $160? ($75 for the sculpts and $85 for the paint?) Let me know if my math is off. I will send the Paypal funds to you and Kuato on Saturday if that is ok (I get paid Friday).

Incredible work man, especially on the subtle Bruce Wayne smirk. Even though I liked the HT Bale likeness, the hairstyle was off considering his look in TDK, but you captured it perfectly AND managed to one-up their likeness of his face too, even unpainted.

I can't wait to see your sculpts of the supporting characters. I'll almost certainly be ordering a set of those too.

Excactly what Chris said :) welcome aboard! and thank you for your kind words :banana:banana
Is there a link available where I can see some of Kuato's work?
Hey Chris can you put me down for a Joker stern? From the thread I see Kuato is waiting for some sculpts to start painting, is it possible to hold my sculpt until I see what he can do with them? Also, discount still applies correct?
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