Man, I'm just floored by all the great Jokers I've seen lately! This character really brought out the A game in everyone! Excellent sculpt and great paintwork. He looks stunning on the Hot Toys figure
Man, I'm just floored by all the great Jokers I've seen lately! This character really brought out the A game in everyone! Excellent sculpt and great paintwork. He looks stunning on the Hot Toys figure
Hey Chris, are you going to wait until you finish sculpting the other Joker head before you ship out any orders? This is not a complaint in any way, just curious. (I'm really sweating what these hurricanes might do!)
I'm really loving all of the Joker heads! I'd love to see one of you guys do one of Joker in the cop hat with his hair tucked under the hat and one of him when he's in the cell, with his hair all messy & spiked up with that big smirk on his face.
Chris, say I see pics of your licking lips joker and like it. Would it be possible to change my order to a licking lips Joker if I like it? If not its no problem but just wondering
Hi, I was going to let everyone see Licky Joker to make final decisions, then request payment from those who haven't paid and then start shipping. First set of the casting run will be sent to Kuato for those who requested painting, then I'll start sending out to individuals. Didn't count on hurricanes!Are you in the path? I can keep yours safe until the danger and confusion passes if you want.