Dark Knight Headsculpt Set From Chris Howes

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Man, I'm just floored by all the great Jokers I've seen lately! This character really brought out the A game in everyone! Excellent sculpt and great paintwork. He looks stunning on the Hot Toys figure

Man, I really want the stern face Joker, but I am waiting to see how the lip-licking Joker turns out. Decisions, decisions..... By the way, Chris and Kuato, great job.:clap
Looks great!!! I do agree with Buttmunch though that there is too much black around his eyes.
Man, I'm just floored by all the great Jokers I've seen lately! This character really brought out the A game in everyone! Excellent sculpt and great paintwork. He looks stunning on the Hot Toys figure


Come on, you know you want to give it a try yourself :D

Oh and Kuato, one more tiny nit. The upper lip seems too nicely painted. Remember, you don't have really be careful when painting the lipstick. Just get in the general vicinity and it will look good and be accurate.

But I guess it must be extremely hard for you to try and be sloppy after all of the training to be so accurate. But you are doing great. Again these are just VERY MINOR nits so don't fee like I'm bashing. You are 99% there :rock
It looks really good so far but something looks off. Probably the eyes. Besides that tho it looks amazing
This iz awesome!!!!!!!!! Minor tweaks here and there with the paint app. But I'm just so stoke on howz this has turned out. Thanks you Chris and Kuato for all this. :wacky:wacky:wacky. My only question is for Kuato, will you be contacting us with a pic of our choices before shipping it? I will like to see how they came out before it gets shipped.:rolleyes:
Thank you guys very much, Chris did such a great job. All the critiques have been taken in and will be used, this first head is just the Prototype so I didn't really paint him to look like any particular scene, believe it or not I didn't even look at a Joker picture while i was painting it, i just did it by memory after painting all the other :), so we can call it the generic paint. Of course all of you that have requested different scene makeup, it will be more accurate to them. and Calvarenga you hit ti right on target, I will indeed send each of you a face and profile shots before shipping to you. Here is an updated prototype pic you can look at, I'm still playing around with it before I work on all of yours, ignore the hair I was trying something different. By the way they are Raw pictures with a flash so every flaw is magnified LOL. at least you see the true look
Still looks good. Something looks off tho, im not sure what but something looks slightly off. Im thinking its the white part of his face (make up) or the wrinkles. Not really sure, still looks REALLy good tho
Hey Chris, are you going to wait until you finish sculpting the other Joker head before you ship out any orders? This is not a complaint in any way, just curious. (I'm really sweating what these hurricanes might do!)

I'm really loving all of the Joker heads! I'd love to see one of you guys do one of Joker in the cop hat with his hair tucked under the hat and one of him when he's in the cell, with his hair all messy & spiked up with that big smirk on his face.
Chris & Kuato,

I've sent you guys a pm because I've modified my order slightly. I believe I am paid in full as of today. Let me know if I added something up wrong.
Chris, say I see pics of your licking lips joker and like it. Would it be possible to change my order to a licking lips Joker if I like it? If not its no problem but just wondering
Hey Chris, are you going to wait until you finish sculpting the other Joker head before you ship out any orders? This is not a complaint in any way, just curious. (I'm really sweating what these hurricanes might do!)

I'm really loving all of the Joker heads! I'd love to see one of you guys do one of Joker in the cop hat with his hair tucked under the hat and one of him when he's in the cell, with his hair all messy & spiked up with that big smirk on his face.

Hi, I was going to let everyone see Licky Joker to make final decisions, then request payment from those who haven't paid and then start shipping. First set of the casting run will be sent to Kuato for those who requested painting, then I'll start sending out to individuals. Didn't count on hurricanes! :( Are you in the path? I can keep yours safe until the danger and confusion passes if you want.
Chris, say I see pics of your licking lips joker and like it. Would it be possible to change my order to a licking lips Joker if I like it? If not its no problem but just wondering

That's the plan! I'll pull Joker 1 from the last of 3 molds I'm making tonight, then I'll jump on modifying him into Licky version.

Then everone can make a final decision.
Hi, I was going to let everyone see Licky Joker to make final decisions, then request payment from those who haven't paid and then start shipping. First set of the casting run will be sent to Kuato for those who requested painting, then I'll start sending out to individuals. Didn't count on hurricanes! :( Are you in the path? I can keep yours safe until the danger and confusion passes if you want.

I'm hoping it doesn't hit my area hard like Katrina did! (looks like it won't) By the time you ship the heads, everything should be over with. Like I said, just curious, no rush at all. I am looking forward to painting one, I know it will be awesome to see that sculpt in person! Looking forward to your other work as well.
Ok guys, here is a way better painted version of The Joker, I went with a mix of the street fight meets penthouse look


WOW! This is miles better than the first one (which was already immensely terrific). Great job!

Kuato, I think you've finally done a perfect Joker (although the black may be just a smidge too small this time). I'm pretty sure I'll want one of my Joker heads looking just like that. Just not sure if I want it to be this one or the licky, although I am leaning towards this one. Very, very nice job :rock
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