DarkArtist's End of the Line Thread

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Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Josh, I was just wondering what brand of paints you use? I have a ton of Citadel paints and brushes, which is supposed to be used for painting WH 40K miniatures. Do you use this brand of paints and brushes? Or do you mainly just airbrush stuff?
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Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

I usually use whatever brushes I can use really, as long as they work for acrylic paint. For paints I am pretty much a die hard Model Master Acryl user. I sometimes use the cheap wal mart paint, but mostly for dirt and grime since it dries chalky. Never really had any experience with the Citadel paint, is it enamel or Acrylic?
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

just thought I would pop in this thread and say awesome work on everything !.
Keep it up man !. :rock
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

YES! i finally found a suit for De Niro Heat, excellant site as they take paypal make it easier to pay.
How fast do they usually take deliver stuff to you, ive got plenty of time to do this but i can't figure out where this shop is.

Looking forward to seeing your jason scuplt, came into the hobby too late so i haven't been able to get any new line horror figures. the one i want are damn hard to get.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks a lot everyone, I know it's been dry around here... But Storerooms takes a looong time to ship stuff, not their fault.. just mail from HK can sometimes drag along. So my suits are still in the post... :monkey2

But I am making progress on other projects, trying to master Yoda's skin tone for Pjam, and working dilligantly to get my skin tone skills back in order. Just haven't been able to get anything right these past few weeks, must be in some sort of slump.

But, I am confident that I can pull myself free and do some quality work this weekend. :rock
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks a lot everyone, I know it's been dry around here... But Storerooms takes a looong time to ship stuff, not their fault.. just mail from HK can sometimes drag along. So my suits are still in the post... :monkey2

But I am making progress on other projects, trying to master Yoda's skin tone for Pjam, and working dilligantly to get my skin tone skills back in order. Just haven't been able to get anything right these past few weeks, must be in some sort of slump.

But, I am confident that I can pull myself free and do some quality work this weekend. :rock

Slump? SLUMP? No such thing with you Josh.

You are without ANY doubt one of the finest Figure painters on the Planet. Period! So...

"On Your Feet, Soldier!" :lol

NO worries Bro, think drybrush shades of patina and pistachio over that wonderful base color. :lol Yum.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Slump? SLUMP? No such thing with you Josh.

You are without ANY doubt one of the finest Figure painters on the Planet. Period! So...

"On Your Feet, Soldier!" :lol

NO worries Bro, think drybrush shades of patina and pistachio over that wonderful base color. :lol Yum.

:rotfl:lol Thanks Paul. I needed that bro. :duff

Don't worry, I think I have my game back.... Will be facing this stuff head on during the weekend, hope to get a LOT done. :rock
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

There ya go, fella! :rock
Everybody has slumps. No biggie. Don't be so hard on yourself.

Thanks Les! Tonight was a good night, I gained a lot of ground. So you guys must have been sending me good vibes. :rock

First, Heath Ledger's Joker... evolution of a madman...







Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Man Josh, those heads look so damned good man, seriously so close to the real thing. You do some amazingly beautiful, and disturbingly good work my friend!! So damned cool. Can't wait to see some more of your work.

Just so you know, you will be getting an Indy and Armored Obi in Q3 for some of your magic touch! No homo.

Damn, I didn't even see those Craigs, HOLY S H I T!!!!
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks a lot Zack! I'm glad you liked them. Those Bond heads are amazing to paint, I'm very fortunate to be able to paint them. And it was a fun thing to do, my Bond was all torn up, fresh from the stairwell fight.. so it's cool to get a chance to do the other versions of the character.

And dude, can't WAIT to work on Indy and Obi. I'm going to do so much weathering and battle damage to those two... it's not even funny. :lol
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

There is a disturbing look of content on Yoda in this image Josh.

Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!


Truly wonderful the mind of a child is ^



Oh, and dude... I have some cool news for you. I scored some extra Old Ben parts for a custom I did, and have an extra Ben head that I am going to paint and send to you. :rock
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Very cool Josh :rock

By the way, who's the smirking character you have 2 heads of in the picture with Anakin?
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