Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!
Thanks guys! Sorry for the continued lack of posted work. I send out a shipment to a few people here yesterday, but it wasn't much.
These past few days have been rough, ^^^^ed the momentum right out of my sails. I started school, and the schedule is pretty all over the place, some morning classes and some night classes. Also my Wife has been pretty sick this whole week, coughing and bed ridden.
So I have been taking care of her, doing chores, cooking, homework... and just trying to be a good husband. It's taken a week away from my brushes, so I will make up for it this weekend.
During these past few days I was doing what I could, putting the final touches on those Myers figures, painting knives, and weathering clothing...blood splatters...etc.
She started feeling better last night, so I should have more time now.
I got into an argument with my Nazi teacher today, so it really spoiled my good vibe. He is a math teacher with strict rules about hats in class, and even assigned us seats. Today the tables were in the wrong spots, but I sat in my proper seat.. but he got confused and started berating me over it. I tried to explain myself... but we ended up going back and forth because he refused to listen to me at all. Made me feel like a complete idiot in front of the entire class... freakin prick.
BUT... that soured my mood a bit. So I will try and do some more work tonight after my other class, when I feel a little better.