Super Freak
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!
Good luck Josh.
^^^^ the haters!
Leave Josh alone, you ^^^^s.
Good luck Josh.
^^^^ the haters!
Leave Josh alone, you ^^^^s.
I think what you need to do is this. Once a week, you come here and post an update. Don't log on, don't post anywhere else. Just step away and do what you need to do. Whether that is taking care of personal business or painting. That sucks, but it is the only way you can get ^^^^ done. Make it known that that is what you are doing. For example make Wednesday update day or something. No more emails, no more PM's. Make a list of all outstanding customs and where each one stands. If possible put them in some kind of order and list them here. Each week update that list with whatever progress has been made. Some people won't like it, but if they are already unhappy it isn't going to make a difference anyway. I don't know if this option is possible, but it could be worth a try.Ok... first of all...Here's the damn photo. I didn't lie.*******q.jpg
Second of all, Matt... I totally understand your anger. I understand EVERYONE'S ^^^^ing anger. They and you are right to be pissed. I know I screwed up... I see it every god damned day, staring me right in the ^^^^ing face. I have to watch as life continues to screw me over and money keeps getting tighter and tighter, all while I am continuously getting messages.
I get about 200 emails every two days, not to mention the 10-15 PM's a day. I have about 45-50 open commissions out right now, and that's not including the 30 or so repaints. If I were to answer every single email, take photos of everything when it was requested.... Well.. I wouldn't have much ^^^^ing time to paint now would I?????
I understand the pissed off feelings, I really do. I am a solid 100% Grade A ^^^^ up. I didn't know what the Hell I was doing when I came on here, I still don't. I'm not a businessman and I am a mediocre artist at best. All I have going for me are a few lucky items and a nice demeanor.... it got me here. SCREWED like always....
I've always thought I did my best in here to keep people informed of what was going on in my life, and also... what it is like, the ^^^^ing blaring Hell it is to be a god damned customizer on this ^^^^ing site. It sucks, it sucks HARD. And I was stupid enough to try to make it work for me as a business. Well, I charged too little, took too much, was too damned nice... and guess where it got me? HERE. Everyone is pissed at me, my Wife is having seizures, we don't have any money, I'm selling damn near everything I own, and best of all... I've ruined my reputation and my artistic integrity is circling the toilet bowl.
As far as communication... the honest to God's truth is I just don't have the time to do it. If I devote my time to that, I can't work. If I work, I have to ignore everything else. It's the nature of where I am at right now.
And finally, ANYONE with a bone... please tell me now. I will send you back your ^^^^ as it stands... and we can be done with this. I will do it immediately, no problem. I'll send you an IOU for the difference and we will settle that when I can. But I can't deal with this ^^^^ anymore, you guys are going to make me jump off a bridge or something. I know I ^^^^ed up... I get it. I know I suck... I know it's not personal....
But what the Hell am I supposed to do?
Do I paint? Oh, but then I can't be emailing!!!
Do I email?? Oh, but then I can't ^^^^ing PAINT!
I am only one guy, a highly stressed... superbly pissed veteran with a history of mental episodes.... I'm walking the line here. Could lose my ^^^^ anytime now... Hell... I think I'm right about there.
Matt, I am not taking this out on you... I understand how you feel. You don't have to pay me another damn red cent. I wouldn't do that to you. If you want what is pictured shipped, I will. If you want me to hold on to the Joker head and paint it, then ship... I will. If you want me to paint the head and then ship... I will. Whatever will make you happy.
I know I ^^^^ed up guys... I am a terrible customizer, a terrible businessman... And when I am done with this backlog... this site will not see me again. I am ^^^^ing DONE with this ^^^^.
I'll give them IOU's, my kidneys, quarts of blood, my figures, whatever it takes.
I think what you need to do is this. Once a week, you come here and post an update. Don't log on, don't post anywhere else. Just step away and do what you need to do. Whether that is taking care of personal business or painting. That sucks, but it is the only way you can get ^^^^ done. Make it known that that is what you are doing. For example make Wednesday update day or something. No more emails, no more PM's. Make a list of all outstanding customs and where each one stands. If possible put them in some kind of order and list them here. Each week update that list with whatever progress has been made. Some people won't like it, but if they are already unhappy it isn't going to make a difference anyway. I don't know if this option is possible, but it could be worth a try.
It's all good Matt, you don't have to delete the post. It's honest. It said what needed to be said. I know I am horrible at this... I should never have taken your money or anyone elses.
I swear if I could take it all back I would. I hate this now with every fiber of my being, I don't enjoy it anymore... I just look at my desk and want to slit my wrists. It's Hell on earth.
Leave the post. I would rather people see it, if anything it will get other people to let out their feelings and get some of that stuff out in the open. I will seriously send everyone their stuff back. I'll give them IOU's, my kidneys, quarts of blood, my figures, whatever it takes.
I'm just done with this. If it were up to me I would mail it back tomorrow, sell my collection, lock this thread and disappear from the site... focus on adult things and move on. I don't think my sanity can handle much more.
Whatever you want me to do with the figures I will, you deserve that Matt. You are a cool guy, and I hate to think that I am getting so bad that I am pushing my friends away and painting a poor portrait of myself. I'll do whatever needs to be done.
But please leave the post. It's truthful and important. It should stay. The damage is done, no need to pretend it didn't happen.
Any old orders are exempt, you guys are all good. I just lost a HT Dutch that was sent to the UK so I am feeling a bit burned on that right now. Tracking would have cost me an extra $60... So I just got royally screwed.
Now I just have to hope it arrives safe somehow or gets returned to me... otherwise.. I have to shell out money I don't have to pay the refund to the guy who bought it.