Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!
Just thought I'd share this...
Josh made it over safe and sound yesterday, he's crashed out in the guest room right now, so I feel I can sneak in and post this before our hanging out continues...(He's here for a couple of days...)
He brought a boatload of his work with him. About ten figures or so. Let me tell you guys....his stuff, seen in person,
His Russian girl from the Challenge,
WICKED! Absolutely cool! Much cooler in person than in photos,
and she looked cool in photos! She has so much character.
His Aragorn and Boromir...AWESOME! His Aragorn's eyes!!!, the fellow has worked hard and really done a superb job of making this guy just utterly kick some! Awesome stuff to see in hand!
His painted Shocktrooper...WOW! Those Medi figures kick serious a$$ anyway, but to see and hold one, after only having had Hasbro guys, and then as a Shock, well, let me tell you, there's nice old cars, and there's Ferraris, and that is one smoking Ferrari of a figure! His paint is superb!
His Zombie with the head dangling, too crazy man! You need to see it in person with it's soft, squishy brains...
There's other stuff, and I hope to get pics of them all and some combo shots with some of mine (His Russian with my Chicks!), so hang loose for more cool stuff soon.
But yeah, guys, Josh is rocking! He is doing some utterly amazing work. Proud to know him and be able to see his growth as an artist in person.