Super Freak
EX ordered
26 Inches. That's OK.
Product Weight: 20 pounds. That's.... Not so good. Batman weighs 30 lbs. There's some hollowness going on.
Saving my points for Aquaman pf.
It still displays the same
I prefer a bit of heft. Just feels like better quality.
How many times do you actually pick up a statue?
I lack dumbbells....
It's just a mental thing. I know it sounds silly. It's probably better that it is a bit lighter so it can fit on a shelf safely, but if I'm committing over $600, I'd like it to FEEL like it was worth $600.
I actually can't complain about weight. Details and quality, imo. I'm paranoid about weight vs shelf strength anyway, especially w/ multiple items.
I feel the same way. I'm looking at my PAX with the DC Trinity together on one shelf hoping that it's not too much weight. I really need to get to some more shelves soon. I also wonder if there is a savings on shipping cost with lighter statues.
I really want to PO but I'll wait for in hand pics and reviews and if its a heavy, non-hollow statue, without any major qc problems i'll definitely be buying darkseid. Unfortunately i fear that it will be hollow.
I really like this statue but thought it would be at least 28" tall. I don't understand how they're justifying that price.