Darkseid Premium Format Figure

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Frustrated as hell that they're asking 6 bills for a 20 lbs PF. I bit the bullet and flexed this. It'll be the last large sized 1/4 scale statue I'll need for my collection besides a modern Hulk. After I score a modern Hulk (I hope XM revisits the character), I'm done dropping this kind of cash on large eggshell PFs.
I really like this statue but thought it would be at least 28" tall. I don't understand how they're justifying that price.

IMHO Sideshow is not spending time "justifying" anything...they allow forum members of various statue website to debate whether or not the proposed price can be justified.

Some of you have spent time trying to rationalize Sideshow's final prices by looking at cost of labor, cost of materials, etc.... Don't get wrong those items figure into the final cost, but they are not necessarily the main reason behind selecting a final price point. At the end of the day, Sideshow charges $599 for Darkseid because they feel that is the price the majority of their customer base is willing to pay. They charge $599 because they can.... At the end of the day, you charge a price you feel the market will accept. Sideshow knows not every customer is willing to pay $599 for Darkseid...and they don't need every potential customer to pay that much for this product to be financially succesful. But there are a number of Darkseid fans out there who have been waiting for 1/4 scale version of their favorite character. Sideshow simply has to appeal to a percentage of customers who are fans of Darkseid. And if this PF appeals to folks who barely know who Darkseid is but think he looks cool...all the better.

Let's not kid ourselves into thinking Sideshow cares whether or not their prices can be justified... Sideshow is aware of two things: 1) They are the market leader in the collectibles industry...and there are privilages and leverage that come with being the market leader 2) Their customer base is comprised of a number of customers / addicts that are willing to max out their credit cards and/or ignore saving for their retirement regardless of rampant price increases. :wink1:
As has been said, I cannot believe that they are asking $600 for this. That's $20 more than even Lobo, which had a LOT more going on and was overpriced to begin with!

When I started collecting SS PFs, they were under $300. Now we are up to double that. I realize that prices go up, and the price point is essentially arbitrary, but I don't like feeling like I'm getting gouged. Higher prices, hollow statues, NRDs, no listed ES....not good.
And even with all the naysayers Updated

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I like the size but being fully sculpted and having a simple paint scheme does not make him seem worthy of a $600 price tag. Sideshow has me by the balls with this one though because I can't pass up a Darkseid PF. I'm not sold on the exclusive head sculpt and will probably order the regular edition.
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Yikes!! I do not like where these prices are going. I'm already feeling like an idiot for buying these at the $400 :) Seems like every time a new figure is released another price increase happens. Initially I thought that Darkseid must be huge to be 50% more than Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman, that would seem justifiable. However, this is the about the same size as the other DC figures.It is all scultped,no light up feature,no special weaponry,and mostly hollow. I was on the fence with this when it was teased. I did want a Superman villain and Darkseid would have fit the bill, but not with a 50% markup of what Superman costs. He is even $50 more than Hulk!!
I know that plenty of people are still going to get this, but there are going to be a lot of people who would have gotten this and will no longer due to the huge price jump. Oh well, I guess I should be thanking Sideshow as now they have reached the point where I can say 'No' and maybe save some money :)