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Hey Darren, I only just discovered this thread :)

Your Arnie sculpt looks incredible and a vast imprtovement on the SS sculpt.

The likeness is dead on!!!
just dropped by to see how incredibly clever your being, and as usual you dont disapoint:D
The main thing with the SS sculpt wasnt the face at all, but the positioning of the head. It made his chin area look too thin... and the top of his head look too wide. Arnie has always had a very prominent jaw, and the angle of the SS head took away from that for me.

that Arnold looks very very Terminator, good job on this re-sculpt!! Totally agree with what you said above. Didn't notice until you mention it, I was wondering what is wrong with the head, now it all make sense. Can't wait til you finish painting it!! look forward to this custom!! two thumbs up!!
Nice job! can' t wait to see you paint this guy up; by the way, where you get the jacket set?

It was off eBay.... I think it was called The Biker Set... or something like that. I can't remember all the details but I'm sure someone will chip in if they know anything else about it.

And thanks for the compliments guys :eek:

I didn't manage to get anything done this last week... I didn't know Jane had Birthday stuff planned for me, including lots of days away driving around the country. (I was half-seventy on Monday)

Anyway, I'm back here now.... trying to catch up with the forums and me emails and pm's. Ohmygod.... so many messages to read and answer :google

I've been painting from yesterday evening... and I'm doing the World War One one-off custom, finally painting that (I know the client will be making a thread about it soon with details so I'll be able to talk about it and show photos soon), and I'm painting 2 sunohc Padawan Obi-Wan heads, a few Legolas, a few Aragorn updates, a few Obi-Wans, and when the Anakins come in (any time soon) a TON of those, a Wolverine, ....um... and some others.

oh, and sculpting Arnie, Ripley, MacGyver, (so many of these are almost finished... it's so good to be able to steam ahead on them almost to completion) and.... whatever else I'm doing. Too much stuff to remember off the top of my head.

But the main thing is that I'm painting.... painting like mad. (and sculpting while waiting for coats to dry) so there'll be progress pics soon... and people will start to get their orders... SOON... I promise. (you can all blame Jane for planning to take me away from my work without me knowing about it! :lol )

on the down side.... (and this doesnt affect my work in anyway, this is just a personal thing) alongside trying to clear my credit cards, bank loans and overdraft... and save for a wedding next year.....lol, some old debts have jjust surfaced.... and I might have to sell all my figures in order to bring in as much as I can. I'm kind of at the 'every penny counts' stage..... and Jane has told me not to sell my original Anakin, Obi-Wan, Legolas and Aragorn resculpts/repaints... the very first ones I did, my prototypes if you like.....but I might have to. We'll see..... I'd rather not... obviously. But they might bring in a few pounds..... you never know.

Anyway..... enough of me rambling on about my own problems..... back to work!! :D:D:D
PLEASE keep your originals Darren! I was JUST thinking about all those today. For some reason I had an image of them in my mind in those nice, new shelves, and was thinking how cool it was you had your redos so well displayed and looking so good! DO NOT SELL THEM! They are a part of your artistic history! Try!
Hope things work out.
Pulling for you bro! :rock

(I know all about being behind, owing folks, owing bills, and facing getting rid of major stuff to cover one's a$$! It was Customikey that told me he'd personally kill me if I ever got rid of my custom 1939 Mr. Freeze or Nicholson Joker! He said, they were "iconic works in my collection". I have not forgotten that. Your custom headed guys are for you as well! Save all that. It will matter one day! It matters to me! :monkey3 )
You speak the truth Les

Hopefully..... I won't have to get rid of them. I'll see if I can get some more commissions lined up after these (endless) ones I already have. I agree what you said.... these pieces (my custom ones... not my standard figures like Robocop or Maul) .. my custom pieces feel like part of my creative journey..... on my shelves here... as well as just looking great and looking like I have the actors shrunk down small and placed on my shelves.... it almost feels like a Museum of the history of my custom sculpting and painting.

They're all my FIRST versions of the customs I do for people regularly now.... and it means more to me that they're the first ones I did. Like I said.... they feel like my own personal prototypes. AS WELL as just being amazingly cool display pieces

I'm sure I won't have to get rid of them.... I'm figuring out other things.... budgeting food shopping.... cutting back on things.... selling other things on eBay or car boot sales..... This was just a way I could see of quickly raising a few hundred pound.... my figures.... the custom pieces... and some of my props (old obi-wan weathered lightsaber and stuff)

but I'm sure I wont have to :D and thanks for the words my friend

And I remember Mikey saying that at the time about your Freeze.... and I remember agreeing with him :lol so you ARE right.
G'day Darren... I'm in there with Les' comments. But I'd say if there is a will there's a way. I might not have some of the financial burdens you have. but I do have my never ending credit-card debt, which feels like I'll never pay it off, as well as bills etc. It does make you feel claustrophobic and depressed from time to time. But it's something we all have to knuckle down on & fight through on from time to time... Godspeed!

Just focus on your commissions & work, don't sell off your originals... And get & give plenty of kisses from your girl... My Luci always cheers me up with her kisses & words of encouragement... Your lady sounds like she respects your hobby:D!
Nice work! I like what you did to Arnie, a noticeable improvement - good eye to pick up on that. And dude, I'm jealous of your display cases, that just looks beautiful!

-- Rob
Yeah Darren. You got plenty of NEW stuff building up!
All is not lost! :rock

And, you got a girl to kiss to make you feel all better about all this! :monkey2
Must be nice! Dangit! Miss that!
Oh well, there's always tomorrow! :D
Here's a thought, how about you stop painting head sculpt and focus on resculpting SS heads. Think about it, if you take the time you spend painting for a few and use it to re sculpting other SS heads for sale to many. There are a lot of other painters here for hire but you are the king of the re sculpt and you have a built in fan/customer base.
Just look at the work that's lined up for you.
Leia as Boushh
Luke Jedi
Luke Yavin

Luke Bespin
Leia ANH

I think you are an amazing painter but no one can touch your re sculpts.
I know I'd definitely buy some resculpts of those. Especially if the heads are smaller.
... And get & give plenty of kisses from your girl... My Luci always cheers me up ...

oh I have nothing to worry about there. Me and Jane are constantly laughing each and every day..... :)

Nice work! I like what you did to Arnie, a noticeable improvement - good eye to pick up on that. And dude, I'm jealous of your display cases, that just looks beautiful!

-- Rob

Thanks Doc! And about the shelves I wish I had more space to put them in. A larger room with larger shelves.... but these will do for now!

Here's a thought, how about you stop painting head sculpt and focus on resculpting SS heads. Think about it, if you take the time you spend painting for a few and use it to re sculpting other SS heads for sale to many. There are a lot of other painters here for hire but you are the king of the re sculpt and you have a built in fan/customer base.
Just look at the work that's lined up for you.
Leia as Boushh
Luke Jedi
Luke Yavin

Luke Bespin
Leia ANH

I think you are an amazing painter but no one can touch your re sculpts.

well firstly.... thank you for the amazing compliment there. I think you over-praise me, but it means a lot all the same.

I've thought about doing that, and I know I certainly want to spend more time doing my OWN sculpts (before SS and HT do them all) :lol, but I'm still getting request after request for head paints... custom one-off sculpts.... etc. So iI guess it's hard to turn people away. Especially as I love doing it.

My other thought is that I don't think any of the above, if resculpted to whatever extent, would be as popular as the Anakin head was. (and I don't think all of the above actually need resculpting..... certainly I like the Jedi Luke, and from the pics I've seen the Bouschh Leia looks great) So it's all about how much time so I spend doing something... and would it be worthwhile.

We'll see.... if there's enough demand for something... I'll probably do it.

and thanks... seriously... for the compliments :bow :bow:bow

I know I'd definitely buy some resculpts of those. Especially if the heads are smaller.

Thanks Sach :)

oh, before I go... I got an email from my head caster the day before yesterday, my Anakin heads are on their way to me..... so it shouldn't be long now :chew

soon everybody who's been waiting for an Anakin head will have it :eek:
While I agree that some might not be worth doing, Darren, I think a resculpted Han is definitely in order! :D
Hey Darren,

Any update on the Obi head?:lightsabe

lol I actually had one of the heads in my hand as I read this. I'm painting them both as we speak... doing eye details at the moment :)

and Justin.... I agree about Han, I'd love to have a go at it, just not sure how many people would be interested. Plus, there's a new Indy sculpt coming... when, next year? so that could be useful maybe
and Justin.... I agree about Han, I'd love to have a go at it, just not sure how many people would be interested. Plus, there's a new Indy sculpt coming... when, next year? so that could be useful maybe

me for sure, a decent Han bonce leads to multiple customs, (for me anyway):D
DarthNeill... I'll try to take some Padawan Obi pics today... I promise I'll try. It's just hard to take half an hour off when it's this frantic. But I will try for you ;)

DarthRaz... the caster is making my Anakin heads, I'll be doing my own ROTS obi heads. Not as many people were asking about those to warrant getting them done externally.

And Glenn..... we'll see. Han is the one I've been asked about the most out of all of them to be done, I guess it depends how busy i stay or if I get time to do it :)
DarthNeill... I'll try to take some Padawan Obi pics today... I promise I'll try. It's just hard to take half an hour off when it's this frantic. But I will try for you ;)

DarthRaz... the caster is making my Anakin heads, I'll be doing my own ROTS obi heads. Not as many people were asking about those to warrant getting them done externally.

And Glenn..... we'll see. Han is the one I've been asked about the most out of all of them to be done, I guess it depends how busy i stay or if I get time to do it :)

Awesome--- Thanks Darren... only if you've got the time I know how inundated with work you are. I appreciate it... just anxious to see what'll be added to my headless jedi.:D