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ok I just managed to take a few clearer shots with my own cam, most with the flash, so they're harsh... but they'll let you see all the detail (and flaws?) .....these are not intended to be artistic display photos.... just raw detail.

I'm aware that the clothes need weathering, and the chest plate putting in... but that I can do eventually..this is all just about showing the head.

As for the blood, I painted the head, varnished it, matt dullcoted it, then painted the endoskeleton parts with gloss, when they was dry I went over the blood with the same gloss, dotting it around in various places where I thought it would still look wet... leaving it dry where I wanted it to look dried on. I think it worked (never painted blood before, lol...be nice)





the regular heads are being done as we speak, but the battle damaged ones won't be ready for a little while.... so you'll have to bear with me if you wanted those. (I love it though... so if it was battle damaged you were after... I think they're worth waiting a little while for)

....although I would say that wouldnt i :rotfl

(praise to Andy Bergholtz once again for his amazing base sculpt!) :bow

in the new year, once I'm done with my upcoming commissions, i'll be moving onto...


(including the 'shot through the head' version, and the 'split down the middle' version)

then after that....


I've also just been asked to do a Christopher Reeve.... so we'll have to see how that goes. Now... where's that energy drink.....
Oh MAN! You really nailed that Battle Damaged sculpt! Wow. I think I am going to have to wait for that one. Seriously, man... beautiful work Darren. I'm floored! :bow

THANK YOU for giving me the chance to recreate one of my favorite versions of that character, you rock man. :rock
Oh MAN! You really nailed that Battle Damaged sculpt! Wow. I think I am going to have to wait for that one. Seriously, man... beautiful work Darren. I'm floored! :bow

THANK YOU for giving me the chance to recreate one of my favorite versions of that character, you rock man. :rock

:eek: :bow :eek:

thanks Josh
Damn Darren! You are a madman! GREAT WORK!
I am stunned.
I WILL be getting that head, and the original of course from you soon!
Save me a couple!

And if no one has asked yet...you NEED to consider this...
For ALIENS...ANGRY faced Powerloader Ripley! Seriously! YOU Are the man to do it! (Speaking of which, what happened to our ALIEN Rips? :monkey3 )

GREAT work though. You have done some awesome reworks here, paints too!
Split down the middle T-1000?! Hole-in-the-head T-1000!? AWESOME!!!! Can't wait to see that!

And your BD Arnie looks great! Now I'm torn which to get from you...
thanks fellas, seriously :eek: :bow :eek:

I'm sorry for any delays for various commissions I've had here for a while. I promise i AM working on them, it just slows me down hugely trying to do everything at the same time.

I went through a perioud earlier in the year where i simply took on way too many commissions at once.... WAY too many. Now I have about 3 weeks to finish 2 one-off custom sculpts working from photos and then about a week after that to get 2 small statues done (wedding cake toppers.... figures of the bride and groom) , all this alongside regular Ripley, get-away-from-her-you-***** Ripley, Hudson, 54 repaints, 2 bust resculpts, 2 PF repaints, 5 Terminator full figures, a few Aragorn full figures.......... well, you get the idea.

I took on FAR too many commissions.

I've learned my lesson, so basically I'm spending the next month, 2 months, maybe more for the new ones, working my way through all my commisions.... and I will seriously limit the intake of work now to what I can handle... what I know I can do in a certain timeframe.... what I have ready to send out (if it's resculpts).... or simply to tell people "yes... but you'll have to wait"

the response to my work from both yourselves and people on other forums, people who visit my blog has been phenomenal.... and I have to thank you all for that.... It warms my heart.... :eek: ....but 13 hours a days isn't even half of what I need to get these things done lol

But i'll get through them... it may be hard and it may take a bit longer (thanks to my not understanding how many people would ask and just how long these things would take me) but every single person who has received one of my pieces has always said it was worth the wait, and it was better than they expected going by photographs.... so for that I have to be thankful

Right... now leave me alone don't you people know I have sculpting and painting to do?? :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

Yeah Darren, I really feel your pain. Sometimes I think about the time I put in, painting.... Coming home from a 10 hour work day, sitting down at the desk for another 8 or more hours and going straight to bed. Sleeping about 3 hours a night... It can overload you quick. My poor wife is such a trooper, putting up with me. :rotfl

But, in the end it really does feel worth it all... When the commission reaches it's destination and the customer is so elated. And the support we get from everyone certainly helps ease the sting of all the hard work and lack of sleep.

Can't wait to see the stuff you are working on Darren, I know you... it won't disappoint. :D
Now i have time here are some pic of darrens kick ass Aragorn repaint. I love the way it brings out the sculpt. I love this figure it is my screen saver on my phone now.
The body is a hot toys body and the outfit was dirtyed and retailored by me

This figure is the new jewel of my collection and i am looking forward to more work from you darren :-D thank you
I wanted to pass along the reaction to the WWI custom that Darren had made of my grandfather a little while back. I finally got to give it to my dad on Christmas, and I was getting so excited to give this figure as a gift. I had previously given him the two fife and drum SS figures, as he collects old toy soldiers, and he was a little surprised to see a WWI figure in the same scale. He looked at the box, and thought it was kinda neat, and then opened the figure.

The head was shrouded in bubble wrap to protect the paint job, and he thought the uniform detailing was really nice. I urged him to actually open the toy, and he went ahead and did. When he pulled off the bubble wrap, he had a confused look on his face, and he said "This looks a lot like my dad." and was a little perplexed. It took a minute or two for things to sink in, and it dawned on him that it was a figure of his father. He was totally stunned. He didn't quite know what to make of it, and was wowed at the likeness. I had to dig out photo albums so we could compare, and my dad laughingly said "I don't remember my dad with hair, so I was confused at first." He showed this figure off to everyone that came out on Christmas, and my dad was really taken with the idea that we have a family heirloom, a one-of-a-kind that can be passed on now with this figure, and it combines generations of our family.

When I came back later in the day after Christmas dinner with my fiance, the figure was still on the table, and my mom said he had been showing everybody the gift he had gotten for Christmas. We are trying to find a nice display for this figure now, so he can display it proudly. I just want to again offer my thanks to Darren for sharing his talents with us, as it lead to a very special Christmas for me and my family. Thanks again for the marvelous sculpt and paint job Darren!
That is a really cool story. I think Darren rocked that one for you Seaward.
Your final part of the story really makes the whole thing special.
Awesome story Chris, happy to hear that the figure was such a hit with your dad! Darren did an amazing job on it, you must feel very proud. :rock