not really looking for a reason to ***** about SS (whatever ***** means) just expressing the first thing poped into my mind when I saw this. I am not a PF collector so I dont really bother to look at the proto pics. I do think SS makes great PF stuff, SW, marvel, etc, and I do appreciat the higher paint/sculpt quality 1/4 has over 1/6, that's why I was surprised to see sculpted tattoo lines since PF suppose to look more realistic to the real thing, and I never seen maul's face tattoos has little lines around them. (unless its supposed to be added digitaly in the special ediiton from Lucas in a few years...) As for the paint bleeds, well, I dont have a PF maul, so I can't really tell if that's very visible or not, i can only commend on what I see in the photos and they are very visible to me, and if the sculpted tattoo lines are there to guide the painters, then I guess they missed the mark.