Agent23 said:Signed on the bottom is cool. But, on top I just don't like the way it looks (no offense).
jlcmsu said:He is a really sweet piece and one that if more people get a chance to see in person will be so happy they added him.
MaulFan said:FOR SURE. I had reservations about the quality of the headsculpt from the pre-order pictures, but they were mild and it was a great Maul piece so I didn't hesitate to order him, but having him in hand now, the likeness is AMAZING, it is Ray Park, just as the 1/6 was, I look at him right now and I swear I'm looking at a film still of Phantom Menace, it's just that good. I'll be having more photo fun with him tomorrow, it's been a long week and as some have seen, I've been busy with the camera this week, so tonight's a breather for me after I had done my GG bust pics.
jlcmsu said:I agree. It really is kind of scary just how good the sculpt is. Having this and the 1:6th really makes me want to get the 1:1 bust.
jlcmsu said:I agree. It really is kind of scary just how good the sculpt is. Having this and the 1:6th really makes me want to get the 1:1 bust.
LOTRFan said:I can assure you, you will NOT regret it at all - in fact I would make it a priority over a number of other things. :maul
MaulFan said:Josh, I know you've seen this already, but I'll just repost it, Sideshow knocks Darth Maul products out the park, and the 1:1 bust just adds so much to the lineup. Now that I look at this picture, I'm thinking some day, I'll create a teared display unit for the 3 pieces (if there isnt' more Maulness from SSC by then) and I'll have each piece at different levels to creat a composition out of them so if you lookd straight on at the display, you'd think you were looking at one of my photoshop images.
MaulFan said:The more I stare at the PF, it hit me, the portrait reminds me and looks so much like this shot, the body pose is much different, but looking at the PF head makes me feel like I'm looking at htis film still.
jlcmsu said:I think I just might. I have no idea if I do go for him sometime soon where the hell I'll put him. What I should have done was last year bought the one you had when we where standing there talking about it at SDCC.![]()
darth dyp**** said:I know that the excitement is starting to die down with this piece