Of course Vader IS star wars, but we already have him in so many large scales. Just wanted something different. I've already got vader in life size. Give me some new characters!
Nien Nunb Legendary Scale ?
Of course Vader IS star wars, but we already have him in so many large scales. Just wanted something different. I've already got vader in life size. Give me some new characters!
It may be true that Vader IS Star Wars but its also true that I can not alter the physical dimensions of my house to fit a 1/2 Scale Vader statue
There is only room for one LS and his name is Dr Jones.
I'm not against secondary/background characters getting the LSF treatment meant but currently there is only Maul available. Get the main characters done 1st and then look at the more obscure characters.... How could SS possibly do a Windu or Ventress before Vader or Fett????
I for one would absolutely love to see LSF Gamorrean but I'm sure I am in the minority here and even smaller numbers of people willing to shell out 2k plus on a half scale green pig lol
So, Fett is not a secondary character, but Windu is?
At first, I was looking for a smartbutt remark, however will just leave the room for now.
I demand an LS Rancor to go with your LS green pig..... My ceilings are 3m high. I can handle it.
So, Fett is not a secondary character, but Windu is?
At first, I was looking for a smartbutt remark, however will just leave the room for now.
So, Fett is not a secondary character, but Windu is?
At first, I was looking for a smartbutt remark, however will just leave the room for now.
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Trying to compare Windu to Fett is sorta like
What's a windu???
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This is from SS. Came in today's newsletter about SDCC.Is this fan made or from Sideshow?.
Huh? Obi-Wan hasn't even been put up for pre order yet.
Either way I'm disappointed but not surprised by this. Making the same five characters in every format is so boring. I already have a large scale vader, give me something different. How about a character you haven't done in any form for a lsf? Mace Windu maybe?
Come on sideshow.
Is this fan made or from Sideshow?
If the latter, there's a very good chance we'll get switch out arms. One as pictured above, and another doing a force move (choke?) as pictured from the unfinished sculpt.