Re: Darth Vader life-size Bust
I like it and I'll be getting it.

I like it and I'll be getting it.

That's just it, Gino. People who want the "representation of the item" will be able to overlook small inaccuracies, which you've been pointing out. By your rationale, then the glue residue, paint drips, etc. should be included on Stormtrooper helmets. Otherwise, they aren't accurate to the prop.
Do you understand what accurate means. It doesn't seem so because I don't think you are using it properly.
You realize that my pieces are direct castings off original items right?
Without owning one of the screen used pieces, it is impossible for them to be any closer.
I dont think of it as a movie set. I think of it as another universe. So I'll take a mind blowing representation over a screen accurate prop any day.
I like it and I'll be getting it.
Should look sharp with your Grievous
This really changes my plans for a future display, I'll either do 3 Sith Lords setup, or an evil setup with all 4 1:1s I'll have.
My only bummer with this Vader is his head turning left, it would have been cool if it was turned right to compliment the Palpatine with them turned making a bit of a V shape.
It's just frustrating because we could satisfy both camps.
The people who like representational won't be complaining if their pieces were more accurate.
With Palpatine and Maul I think you'd have a great three stooges--er, sith display.
:maul :emperor![]()
Gino's Vader is perfection.
The SS will be good enough for most people though.
Gino, how much would a bust version of yours cost? Just curious to compare...
Gino, how much would a bust version of yours cost? Just curious to compare...
Gino's Vader is perfection.
I don't sell my pieces, but for a company like efx, sideshow, windlass, etc.. to produce a bust like mine (in numbers that we've seen for similar pieces) would be extremely inexpensive to make. Of course you still have to determine that strategic price point. But these can be made inexpensively so there is wiggle room for a price point that the average collector of higher end pieces could afford.
You just have to know how to properly guide it through the production.
ok. Is SS making these or carrying it for spectral motion? I would not want another museum replicas fiasco.![]()
Hell yeah. The photo's I've seen of his display could easily be mistaken for photos from the traveling Star Wars exhibit.
I want to use RP's to save on this bust, but it's only about $100 off, still a lot to pay on my own, and there's a possibility when the time comes to pay up, this piece, no matter how much I hate it, could have to be cancelled, and if I have to do that, I'll have lost the points, so it's like, do I chance it and reduce what I have to pay for him to better my chances of keeping the order, or pay full price and not risk losing all the points it's taken so long to gather.