Premium Format Darth Vader [ROTJ]

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Yea, if they do that I would be concerned about the movie, it will be refreshing having a new villain, see what he can bring to the party. Defiantly will be getting the PF Vader, sold my Mythos Vader so I could have this guy. The pose I do like more and more now, any news if he has lightup features?

Funny thing Star Wars PF for 500$, and we wonder about lightup...
They're trying to get the lighting correct in the chest, belt and base. They said from Celebration it might be a limitation of the factory...

That being said it looked great in person!
Funny story about the factories over there. I found the neck chain piece from the SS life size Vader my Cinemaquette box. I supspect that they are made in the same factory.
Me too!!! If they are using that same factory the CM Vader there shouldn't a problem.
I am getting this vader for sure as a vader collector, but I realized something and it seems to be isolated to sideshows premium formats....but the poses appear as if a regular joe ( or mime) is acting out the pose and implying the character's attitude or the character's physique....this is why we see vader as trying to be menacing when his physique and costume are already imposing without the extra flare in the arms....vader , prowess, never does that and never consciously tries to make himself appear bigger, scarier or's almost the difference between the screen vader and a costumer who over exaggerates his motions.

Despite that, it looks pretty good in the costumed details and even though I have the cm also, I am looking forward to getting this.....and the legendary scale whenever they release it....( I guess this is also the reason hot toys made a sith version in 1/4, so as not to give people a reason to substitute one for another in the same scale.)
Maybe SS is saving their "perfect pose" for the legendary scale...if they're still going to make it.
When I saw this at Celebration I was impressed, but not OVERLY impressed. Then I saw the Hot Toys 1/4 figure and said....WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over the last few days I have been really studying both offerings, and Sideshow is the winner!

Is the pose the best.................maybe not, but I like it.

Once I learned that the HT verision was ROTS......easy pass for me. I did however order the 1/4 Boba Fett from HT which is AWESOME!