So ok, Suicide Squad was an "entertaining" watch to say the least, but ******* was it a hot mess, both plot, pacing, and story wise. Lol. For me, it makes the theatrical release of BvS look perfect. Haha. Although many will perceive it as the opposite. Margot Robbie was great has Harley and Leto was good, but apparently they cut half his character out of it. You can tell a ton a **** was cut out because scenes just start looking out of place and rushed. Relationships didn't makes sense either. Let's just say the first 10 mins and all the Joker/Harley scenes were my favorite. [emoji106][emoji107][emoji327][emoji327][emoji23]
Hopefully the director's cut fixes most of the problems (if there even is one), but it's a shame we've come to that with DC movies.
P.S. I ******* loved BvS.
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