David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)


“I think that I brought so much to the table in every scene, it was probably more about filtering all of the insanity. Because I wanted to give a lot of options, and I think there’s probably enough footage in this film for a Joker movie… If I were to die tomorrow, maybe the studio would roll something out. Rated R or rated X performance in there somewhere."

“It feels like there could be more to come… I think it entirely depends on the response of the public. If they respond to this Joker, I could imagine The Joker coming back, but if they don’t I certainly wouldn’t want to overstay my welcome.”

Does he have a death wish over this movie?
Thats the second time he says this.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

"Man sues WB for Suicide Squad..."

Me: "Smart man. I'm tempted to do the same."

"...because it doesn't have enough Joker."

Me: "Guy's a ****ing idiot."
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Glad I missed that one then.

To be fair, it's blink and you miss it.

There were rumors of that cameo so I was able to catch it.
It's boomerang being pushed, filmed from his back, and you can see the lighting in front of him
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Trailer didn't give anything real villain related out, all the trailer did was mislead that Joker was the main villain.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Since dc is becoming the transformers of the superhero world they should just go for broke and hire this dude.

The movies will have the quips they need and great complex action scenes.

The movies will be more colorful and more fun. Not so dreary.

Guaranteed billion dollar profits

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Regardless of how the movie turned out I must say I really respective David Ayer's perspective on the process:

We have a chunk, there’s definitely over 10 minutes of material on there. But this cut of the movie is my cut, there’s no sort of parallel universe version of the movie, the released movie is my cut. And that’s one of the toughest things about writing, shooting, and directing a film, is you end up with these orphans and you ****ing love them and you think they’d be amazing scenes and do these amazing things but the film is a dictatorship (laughs), not a democracy, and just because something’s cool and charismatic doesn’t mean it gets to survive in the final cut. The flow of the movie is the highest master.

He seems quite adamant that for all the "good" footage that didn't make it in the end result is better without it. I agree with jye in that I hope that WB doesn't "cheat" and release an extended edition. I think the enduring charm of this movie will be it remaining as it is, warts and all. Can't have a proper cult classic if the studio or director perpetually tinkers with it to make it "better" and it looks like Ayer has given the theatrical cut his final stamp of approval even with all the input (circumstantial and human) that didn't come from him:

I think there’s a misunderstanding about filmmaking where you can somehow have this crystal ball and understand exactly how everything is going to work together and assemble together. Because remember scripts type words on a page, a black and white page, and when you’re on set you’re dealing with shots and you’re dealing with dailies, and so you have this 7-minute shot and maybe only 10 seconds of that shot is gonna end up in the movie. There’s infinite combinations, infinite knock-on effects, and it’s this strange alchemy that happens and things that you thought during the writing phase breaking your back trying to explain and needs three pages to explain it, you realize it works with just a look on camera in the assembly.

So it’s always a moving target as you try and distill and condense down to the best movie. And this thing was a beast, we had over a million and a half feet of footage, with an ensemble movie, 7 plus major characters that we have to introduce, a very complex story that is not your normal linear story and you’re introducing the audience to a whole new world, plus it just has my sort of sickness as a filmmaker in it, my vibe and attitude. So it just took a lot of work to find the movie, the movie was always there and even in the early cuts we knew we had something, we knew it was going to work, but to get it there… wow.


Hard not to be impressed with that mentality.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

You know... You can not ruin the movie, and no false advertise it at the SAME time! They're not mutually exclusive.

I'm just saying, you need a PhD, but it is possible.

Was it false advertising? The Joker is not in the trailers that much. The team is clearly fighting some monsters, and the film's official synopsis doesn't say the Joker is the main villain. Technically, it's implied that Joker is involved and that he might get in the way of the team...which he does at some point. It could have been better and he could of had more screen time, but I don't see it as false advertising.

My god...I'm starting to sound like Khev :gah: :panic:
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Regardless of how the movie turned out I must say I really respective David Ayer's perspective on the process:

He seems quite adamant that for all the "good" footage that didn't make it in the end result is better without it. I agree with jye in that I hope that WB doesn't "cheat" and release an extended edition. I think the enduring charm of this movie will be it remaining as it is, warts and all. Can't have a proper cult classic if the studio or director perpetually tinkers with it to make it "better" and it looks like Ayer has given the theatrical cut his final stamp of approval even with all the input (circumstantial and human) that didn't come from him:


Hard not to be impressed with that mentality.

Extended cut of bvs was way too successful and even critically better received and it even turned some haters into fans.

WB and DC would be insane if they dont make an extended version.
Not only for all the money they will make with an exented cut but the great word of mouth and the new fansa longer cut would create.

It would be an extremely poor decision for the studio to not do this