David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Not liking this at all.
Was really hoping for a classic comic looking joker
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Where's DiFabio at?

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I really am starting to wonder if this won't be Rated R. The dude really doesn't seem like he'd be out of place in Sabotage or End of Watch or any number of Ayer's other films, which leads me to believe that this is a lot of Ayer, right here.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

The lack of tats absolutely fixes everything, he looks like the most Jokerish Joker without 'em.



Maybe he has a grill in his mouth as temporary false teeth because batman knocked out his originals. Maybe he'll get "realer" replacements towards the end or in a sequal/Batman follow-up film.
That's what I'm thinking too.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Maybe it's not a grill, maybe they are fake teeth after Batfleck knocked them out? Trying to look at how this logically works...

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Maybe he has a grill in his mouth as temporary false teeth because batman knocked out his originals. Maybe he'll get "realer" replacements towards the end or in a sequal/Batman follow-up film. Maybe.

Great minds. I was literally typing this when I had to step away and left it open. This is probably the case. It fits with the tough as nails Bats that we're getting.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Who cares about the tats, he'll probably be clothed 99% of the time.