David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I'm PRAYING it's shopped, looking at the neck and some other parts, the perspective is a little funky, so here's hoping...
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

This look feels way to forced to me. And not very well thought out. Like the only concern they have is making him seem more deranged than Ledgers and they went with the first idea they had, which happens to be a very bad one. I think they've revealed way too much way too soon also.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

If their gonna keep the tats then at least remove them from the face.

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

So he has a few stupid tattoos. If that's the worst of the problems with this film and the Joker, I'll be thrilled. I actually like the idea of him having false teeth due to his run-ins with the Bat.

Maybe it's not a grill, maybe they are fake teeth after Batfleck knocked them out? Trying to look at how this logically works...

The juxtaposition of these shots makes me more excited for seeing Batman on screen than any of the other Superman/Batman promo stuff we've seen thus far. . .I guess I really just can't stand Hopeman at all. :lol
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

So he has a few stupid tattoos. If that's the worst of the problems with this film and the Joker, I'll be thrilled. I actually like the idea of him having false teeth due to his run-ins with the Bat.

:goodpost: :exactly: :lecture
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

The more I think about it, the more I think it's not the fact that he has tattoos, so much as it is what the tattoos are. It's like some P.A. somewhere googled "low rider clown tattoo" and Ayer ran with the first ten stock images he delivered. If their version absolutely needed tattoos, I'd do something to show how ****ed up he is. Like a Robin tattoo that had "In Loving Memory," with the date he murdered him, or, hell, a Batman logo tramp stamp.:lol
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

The more I think about it, the more I think it's not the fact that he has tattoos, so much as it is what the tattoos are. It's like some P.A. somewhere googled "low rider clown tattoo" and Ayer ran with the first ten stock images he delivered. If their version absolutely needed tattoos, I'd do something to show how ****ed up he is. Like a Robin tattoo that had "In Loving Memory," with the date he murdered him, or, hell, a Batman logo tramp stamp.:lol

Holly ****! I love that.

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Nah, what you're looking at right now is "El Cholo Gringo."

You're joking but I play soccer some nights of the week with a couple of dudes who look like that :lol

I don't know what any of that means. I know gringo is white guy...that's about it lol

"Cholo" is thug.

"Gringo" is someone from the US or Canada, most times white yes, it's no pejorative or anything, sometimes people will get the nickname "gringo" around here just for being blonde or white even if they're from around.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

You're joking but I play soccer some nights of the week with a couple of dudes who look like that :lol

"Cholo" is thug.

"Gringo" is someone from the US or Canada, most times white yes, it's no pejorative or anything, sometimes people will get the nickname "gringo" around here just for being blonde or white even if they're from around.

:lol Well, so long as they're not homicidal maniacs, you're good.:lol