Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)
just got back from #5!
I love this movie so much, call it a flop, terrible, a cult classic, a preteen movie, masterpiece- whatever. but to me it's literally the CB run I loved put on the big screen. Pretty sure this is my GF's favorite flick ever as well, she loves willshot and that whole arch.
Leto is still better then ever. what a great, different joker.
Margot is HQ. nothing will change that.
Still my favorite Smith movie since IAL
for #5 the film seemed to move at an unstoppable pace still.
the practicality of the story and the way Ayer brings these characters to the big screen is something awe inspiring.
At this point I really hope the 4chan rumors are true, that he's writing #2 and directing.