Okay, okay. It's closer to a 6. I love the movie, it has flaws, but seeing it 17 times, it makes sense to me haha.
I do apologize actually, my post kind of became a general rant lol. Seeing on SF and Freaks in the SS Harley 1/3, it just bugs me how people say that and literally have no useful criticism. What I meant by bias was people saying Marvel is amazing or Fox (after Deadpool) blah blah blah. It is hypocritical of me since the DC films have been a fresh taste from the usual comedies by Misney. Like I said, it became a general rant, so my bad haha.
I will say, yes, the film is very expository, but that is because of restrictions. You can't have character development in 6 weeks. I've been at it for 4 months, and my characters aren't even the highlights, my supporting characters are actually what everyone enjoys lol. That rolls with WB stepping into that ****. The editing, that's also all WB and the pussified state of society. I'm not condoning domestic abuse, but by altering it because it offends people is the dumbest thing. You'd think that kind of exposure, whether negative or positive, will actually bring attention to the matter.
The acting is subjective. People don't like the zany comic book source, or sometimes don't vibe well with realism (Joker or Superman of the DCEU). I thought the acting was good, especially considering Will Smith plays Will Smith always, Deadshot (while not much) strayed from 100% shot of Will Smith. Margot has plenty of serious roles, so it was nice to see her take on the Harley role, and she did a great job (remember, they go off the script, which isn't amazing as established, so is it really the acting or the script at this point?). Hell, we got Jai Courtney, another nobody that plays himself, and still added humor to the mix. I've already explained why Delevingne is fine especially during her Doomsday device. I think Leto was perfect, every like tic that he has done, has been done so by the Joker, and actually much more mildly. So is it that people want a musical Joker? Making all these weird songs, and explicitly singing, 'Hey, I'm Joker! And I'm Carazzaahhh!'? I think people are more against Leto because they felt his method acting was either taken too far, too weird, or too much of a try hard; and also his look. His acting as the Joker was hot and fresh, but those elements are more so why people (what I believe to be the reason) dislike Leto.
The tone, the pacing, the expository dialogue, the lazy form of introduction, the unoriginal doomsday plot -- all can be attributed to the screenplay, which wasn't given time to do. So I don't blame Ayer, but rather the studio as to why the public doesn't like the movie. I enjoy Ayer's work, and the actors, while some are boring to me, all did the best with it. Also plenty is attributed to the editing, I mean look at the trailer, we got faster cuts making the movie to be some action pack '**** Yeah, we the Squad'...but instead we got something much slower and more tame.
I'm confused by why the scene shocks you? It played to the New 52 origin, which I prefer over the BTAS about some psychiatrist that robs a store and dresses up as a harlequin for a psychopath.